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          • Content Specification - SS.4.1.a.1:
            Students will be able to identify and map New York State’s major physical features including mountains, plateaus, rivers, lakes, and large bodies of water such as the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound.
          • Content Specification - SS.4.1.a.2:
            Students will examine New York State climate and vegetation maps in relation to a New York State physical map, exploring the relationship between physical features and vegetation grown, and between physical features and climate.
          • Content Specification - SS.4.1.b.1:
            Students will create a map of the political features of New York State that includes the capital city and the five most populous cities, as well as their own community.
          • Content Specification - SS.4.1.b.2:
            Students will examine the location of the capital of New York State and the major cities of New York State in relation to their home community using directionality, and latitude and longitude coordinates.
          • Content Specification - SS.4.1.b.3:
            Students will use maps of a variety of scales including a map of the United States and the world to identify and locate the country and states that border New York State.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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