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          • Content Specification - SS.8.5.a.1:
            Students will examine how the economic practices of the 1920s contributed to the coming of the Great Depression.
          • Content Specification - SS.8.5.b.1:
            Students will examine the effects of the Great Depression on American families in terms of the loss of jobs, wealth, and homes, noting varying impacts based on class, race, and gender. Students will explore the conditions in New York City and other communities within New York State during the Great Depression.
          • Content Specification - SS.8.5.b.2:
            Students will explore the man-made and environmental conditions that led to the Dust Bowl, the economic as well as cultural consequences of the Dust Bowl, and federal government efforts to address the problem.
          • Content Specification - SS.8.5.c.1:
            Students will identify key programs adopted under the New Deal and including the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the adoption of the Social Security Act.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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