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Standard Area - ARTS: NYS The Arts
Standard Area - ARTS: NYS The Arts
Standard Area - CDOS: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard Area - CDOS: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard Area - CSDF: NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency
Standard Area - CSDF: NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency
Standard Area - ELA: NYS Next Generation English Language Arts
Standard Area - ELA: NYS Next Generation English Language Arts
Standard Area - HPF: NYS Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences
Standard Area - HPF: NYS Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences
Standard Area - NY-MATH: NYS Next Generation Mathematics
Standard Area - NY-MATH: NYS Next Generation Mathematics
Standard Area - PE: NYS Physical Education
Standard Area - PE: NYS Physical Education
Standard Area - S: NYS Science
Standard Area - S: NYS Science
Standard Area - SEL: NYS Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks
Standard Area - SEL: NYS Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks
Standard Area - SS: NYS Social Studies Framework
Standard Area - SS: NYS Social Studies Framework
Grade Level - SS.K: Kindergarten
Grade Level - SS.K: Kindergarten
Grade Level - SS.1: Grade 1
Grade Level - SS.1: Grade 1
Grade Level - SS.2: Grade 2
Grade Level - SS.2: Grade 2
Grade Level - SS.3: Grade 3
Grade Level - SS.3: Grade 3
Grade Level - SS.4: Grade 4
Grade Level - SS.4: Grade 4
Grade Level - SS.5: Grade 5
Grade Level - SS.5: Grade 5
Grade Level - SS.6: Grade 6
Grade Level - SS.6: Grade 6
Grade Level - SS.7: Grade 7
Grade Level - SS.7: Grade 7
Grade Level - SS.8: Grade 8
Grade Level - SS.8: Grade 8
Key Idea - SS.8.1: RECONSTRUCTION: Regional tensions following the Civil War complicated efforts to heal the nation and to redefine the status of African Americans.
Key Idea - SS.8.1: RECONSTRUCTION: Regional tensions following the Civil War complicated efforts to heal the nation and to redefine the status of African Americans.
Key Idea - SS.8.2: A CHANGING SOCIETY: Industrialization and immigration contributed to the urbanization of America. Problems resulting from these changes sparked the Progressive movement and increased calls for reform.
Key Idea - SS.8.2: A CHANGING SOCIETY: Industrialization and immigration contributed to the urbanization of America. Problems resulting from these changes sparked the Progressive movement and increased calls for reform.
Key Idea - SS.8.3: EXPANSION AND IMPERIALISM: Beginning in the second half of the 19th century, economic, political, and cultural factors contributed to a push for westward expansion and more aggressive United States foreign policy.
Key Idea - SS.8.3: EXPANSION AND IMPERIALISM: Beginning in the second half of the 19th century, economic, political, and cultural factors contributed to a push for westward expansion and more aggressive United States foreign policy.
Key Idea - SS.8.4: WORLD WAR I AND THE ROARING TWENTIES: Various diplomatic, economic, and ideological factors contributed to the United States decision to enter World War I. Involvement in the war significantly altered the lives of Americans. Postwar America was characterized by economic prosperity, technological innovations, and changes in the workplace.
Key Idea - SS.8.4: WORLD WAR I AND THE ROARING TWENTIES: Various diplomatic, economic, and ideological factors contributed to the United States decision to enter World War I. Involvement in the war significantly altered the lives of Americans. Postwar America was characterized by economic prosperity, technological innovations, and changes in the workplace.
Key Idea - SS.8.5: GREAT DEPRESSION: Economic and environmental disasters in the 1930s created hardships for many Americans. Amidst much debate about the appropriate role of government, President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped to create intensive government interventions in the United States economy and society.
Key Idea - SS.8.5: GREAT DEPRESSION: Economic and environmental disasters in the 1930s created hardships for many Americans. Amidst much debate about the appropriate role of government, President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped to create intensive government interventions in the United States economy and society.
Conceptual Understanding - SS.8.5.a: Risky investing, protectionism, and overproduction led to the collapse of the stock market, a wave of bank failures, and a long and severe downturn in the economy called the Great Depression.
Conceptual Understanding - SS.8.5.a: Risky investing, protectionism, and overproduction led to the collapse of the stock market, a wave of bank failures, and a long and severe downturn in the economy called the Great Depression.
Conceptual Understanding - SS.8.5.b: The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl affected American businesses and families.
Conceptual Understanding - SS.8.5.b: The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl affected American businesses and families.
Conceptual Understanding - SS.8.5.c: President Roosevelt issued the New Deal in an attempt to revive the economy and help Americans deal with the hardships of the Great Depression. These New Deal reforms had a long-lasting effect on the role of government in American society and its economic life, but did not resolve all of the hardships Americans faced.
Conceptual Understanding - SS.8.5.c: President Roosevelt issued the New Deal in an attempt to revive the economy and help Americans deal with the hardships of the Great Depression. These New Deal reforms had a long-lasting effect on the role of government in American society and its economic life, but did not resolve all of the hardships Americans faced.
Content Specification - SS.8.5.c.1: Students will identify key programs adopted under the New Deal and including the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the adoption of the Social Security Act.
Content Specification - SS.8.5.c.1: Students will identify key programs adopted under the New Deal and including the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the adoption of the Social Security Act.
Key Idea - SS.8.6: WORLD WAR II: The aggression of the Axis powers threatened United States security and led to its entry into World War II. The nature and consequences of warfare during World War II transformed the United States and the global community. The damage from total warfare and atrocities such as the Holocaust led to a call for international efforts to protect human rights and prevent future wars.
Key Idea - SS.8.6: WORLD WAR II: The aggression of the Axis powers threatened United States security and led to its entry into World War II. The nature and consequences of warfare during World War II transformed the United States and the global community. The damage from total warfare and atrocities such as the Holocaust led to a call for international efforts to protect human rights and prevent future wars.
Key Idea - SS.8.7: FOREIGN POLICY: The period after World War II has been characterized by an ideological and political struggle, first between the United States and communism during the Cold War, then between the United States and forces of instability in the Middle East. Increased economic interdependence and competition, as well as environmental concerns, are challenges faced by the United States.
Key Idea - SS.8.7: FOREIGN POLICY: The period after World War II has been characterized by an ideological and political struggle, first between the United States and communism during the Cold War, then between the United States and forces of instability in the Middle East. Increased economic interdependence and competition, as well as environmental concerns, are challenges faced by the United States.
Key Idea - SS.8.8: DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE: After World War II, the population of the United States rose sharply as a result of both natural increases and immigration. Population movements have resulted in changes to the American landscape and shifting political power. An aging population is affecting the economy and straining public resources.
Key Idea - SS.8.8: DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE: After World War II, the population of the United States rose sharply as a result of both natural increases and immigration. Population movements have resulted in changes to the American landscape and shifting political power. An aging population is affecting the economy and straining public resources.
Key Idea - SS.8.9: DOMESTIC POLITICS AND REFORM: The civil rights movement and the Great Society were attempts by people and the government to address major social, legal, economic, and environmental problems. Subsequent economic recession called for a new economic program.
Key Idea - SS.8.9: DOMESTIC POLITICS AND REFORM: The civil rights movement and the Great Society were attempts by people and the government to address major social, legal, economic, and environmental problems. Subsequent economic recession called for a new economic program.
Grade Level - SS.9: Grade 9: Global History and Geography I
Grade Level - SS.9: Grade 9: Global History and Geography I
Grade Level - SS.10: Grade 10: Global History and Geography II
Grade Level - SS.10: Grade 10: Global History and Geography II
Grade Level - SS.11: Grade 11: United States History and Government
Grade Level - SS.11: Grade 11: United States History and Government
Grade Level - SS.12G: Grade 12: Participation in Government and Civics
Grade Level - SS.12G: Grade 12: Participation in Government and Civics
Grade Level - SS.12E: Grade 12: Economics, the Enterprise System, and Finance
Grade Level - SS.12E: Grade 12: Economics, the Enterprise System, and Finance
Social Studies Practice Standards - SS.SSP: Standards for Social Studies Practice
Social Studies Practice Standards - SS.SSP: Standards for Social Studies Practice
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
Standard Area - WL: World Languages
Standard Area - WL: World Languages
Standard Area - Previous Standards Versions
Standard Area - Previous Standards Versions
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