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          • Content Specification - SS.3.GEO.1.b.1:
            Students will identify the differences between a globe and a map.
          • Content Specification - SS.3.GEO.1.b.2:
            Students will examine a variety of maps for at least two of the selected world communities looking for structural features of the map such as title, legend or key, compass orientation, author, date, grid, and scale. These should include political, physical, vegetation, and resource maps. A variety of scale should be represented (e.g., continent vs. country, country vs. city).
          • Content Specification - SS.3.GEO.1.b.3:
            Students will compare geographic information found in photographs and satellite images with other representations of the same area and identify differences for at least one of the selected world communities
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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