Browse Standards
View all PreK-12 NYS Learning Standards in a dropdown list format.
Standard Area - ARTS: NYS The Arts
Standard Area - ARTS: NYS The Arts
Standard Area - CDOS: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard Area - CDOS: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard Area - CSDF: NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency
Standard Area - CSDF: NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency
Standard Area - ELA: NYS Next Generation English Language Arts
Standard Area - ELA: NYS Next Generation English Language Arts
Standard Area - HPF: NYS Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences
Standard Area - HPF: NYS Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences
Standard Area - NY-MATH: NYS Next Generation Mathematics
Standard Area - NY-MATH: NYS Next Generation Mathematics
Standard Area - PE: NYS Physical Education
Standard Area - PE: NYS Physical Education
Standard Area - S: NYS Science
Standard Area - S: NYS Science
Standard Area - SEL: NYS Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks
Standard Area - SEL: NYS Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks
Standard Area - SS: NYS Social Studies Framework
Standard Area - SS: NYS Social Studies Framework
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
Standard Area - WL: World Languages
Standard Area - WL: World Languages
Standard Area - Previous Standards Versions
Standard Area - Previous Standards Versions
Standard Area - ARTS: The Arts (1996)
Standard Area - ARTS: The Arts (1996)
Standard Area - ELA: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - ELA: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - LOTE: NYS Languages Other Than English
Standard Area - LOTE: NYS Languages Other Than English
Standard Area - LHSS: Literacy in History/Social Studies (NYS 5-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - LHSS: Literacy in History/Social Studies (NYS 5-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - LSTS: Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects (NYS 6-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - LSTS: Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects (NYS 6-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - ELA: English Language Arts (2005)
Standard Area - ELA: English Language Arts (2005)
Standard Area - ESL: English as a Second Language
Standard Area - ESL: English as a Second Language
Academic Level - ESL.E: Elementary
Academic Level - ESL.E: Elementary
Grade Band - ESL.E.PK-1: Grades PreK - 1
Grade Band - ESL.E.PK-1: Grades PreK - 1
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.1: Language for Information and Understanding Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for information and understanding.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.1: Language for Information and Understanding Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for information and understanding.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.2: Language for Literary Response and Expression Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for literary response, enjoyment, and expression.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.2: Language for Literary Response and Expression Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for literary response, enjoyment, and expression.
Key Idea - ESL.E.PK-1.2.1: Language for Literary Response and Expression Students learning English as a second language will use English for self-expression, artistic creation, and participation in popular culture. They will develop and use skills and strategies appropriate to their level of English proficiency to listen to, read, and respond to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives and other works, and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent.
Key Idea - ESL.E.PK-1.2.1: Language for Literary Response and Expression Students learning English as a second language will use English for self-expression, artistic creation, and participation in popular culture. They will develop and use skills and strategies appropriate to their level of English proficiency to listen to, read, and respond to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives and other works, and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students view, listen to, read, and discuss literature of different genres.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students view, listen to, read, and discuss literature of different genres.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students use basic reading and listening strategies to make literary text comprehensible and meaningful.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students use basic reading and listening strategies to make literary text comprehensible and meaningful.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students recognize some features that distinguish some genres and use those features to aid comprehension.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students recognize some features that distinguish some genres and use those features to aid comprehension.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students identify key literary elements in texts and relate those features to students' own experiences.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students identify key literary elements in texts and relate those features to students' own experiences.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students make predictions and inferences, and discuss the meaning of literary works to understand text presented orally and in written form.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students make predictions and inferences, and discuss the meaning of literary works to understand text presented orally and in written form.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students develop comprehension of text to prepare to read aloud.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students develop comprehension of text to prepare to read aloud.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students present personal responses to published literature through words or pictures, referring to features of the text.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students present personal responses to published literature through words or pictures, referring to features of the text.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students create personal stories, using appropriate vocabulary and elements of the literature students have read or heard.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students create personal stories, using appropriate vocabulary and elements of the literature students have read or heard.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to create and respond to literature.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to create and respond to literature.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students create, discuss, and respond to literary works with attention to appropriate vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students create, discuss, and respond to literary works with attention to appropriate vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students apply self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies while reading, viewing, discussing, listening to, or producing literary texts.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students apply self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies while reading, viewing, discussing, listening to, or producing literary texts.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students apply learning strategies to comprehend literature and produce literary responses.
Performance Indicator - ESL.E.PK- Students apply learning strategies to comprehend literature and produce literary responses.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.3: Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.3: Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.4: Language for Social Interaction Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for classroom and social interaction.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.4: Language for Social Interaction Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for classroom and social interaction.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.5: Language for Cross-Cultural Knowledge and Understanding Students will demonstrate cross-cultural knowledge and understanding.
Standard - ESL.E.PK-1.5: Language for Cross-Cultural Knowledge and Understanding Students will demonstrate cross-cultural knowledge and understanding.
Grade Band - ESL.E.2-4: Grades 2 - 4
Grade Band - ESL.E.2-4: Grades 2 - 4
Academic Level - ESL.I: Intermediate
Academic Level - ESL.I: Intermediate
Academic Level - ESL.C: Commencement
Academic Level - ESL.C: Commencement
Standard Area - NLA: Native Language Arts
Standard Area - NLA: Native Language Arts
Standard Area - Math: Mathematics (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - Math: Mathematics (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Standard Area - MST: Math, Science & Technology
Standard Area - MST: Math, Science & Technology
Standard Area - SS: Social Studies
Standard Area - SS: Social Studies
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