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            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.I.2.1.A:
              Students understand the risks of injury if physical activity is performed incorrectly or performed in extreme environmental conditions, and recognize the importance of safe physical conditions (equipment, facilities) as well as the emotional conditions essential for safety.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.I.2.1.B:
              Students develop skills of cooperation and collaboration, as well as fairness, sportsmanship, and respect for others.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.I.2.1.C:
              Students work constructively with others to accomplish a goal in a group activity, demonstrating consideration for others involved.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.I.2.1.D:
              Students understand the physical and environmental dangers associated with particular activities and demonstrate proper procedures for safe participation in games, sports, and recreational pursuits.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.I.2.1.E:
              Students understand the role of physical activity, sport, and games as a balance between cooperative and competitive behaviors and as a possible arena in which to develop and sharpen leadership and problem solving skills, and understand the physical, emotional, and social benefits of participation in physical activities.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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