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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
            • Performance Indicator - ARTS.M.I.3.1.A:
              Students through listening, analyze and evaluate their own and others’ performances, improvisations, and compositions by identifying and comparing them with similar works and events.
            • Performance Indicator - ARTS.M.I.3.1.B:
              Students use appropriate terms to reflect a working knowledge of the musical elements.
            • Performance Indicator - ARTS.M.I.3.1.C:
              Students demonstrate a basic awareness of the technical skills musicians must develop to produce an aesthetically acceptable performance.
            • Performance Indicator - ARTS.M.I.3.1.D:
              Students use appropriate terms to reflect a working knowledge of social-musical functions and uses (appropriate choices of music for common ceremonies and other events).
            • Performance Indicator - ARTS.M.I.3.1.E:
              Students use basic scientific concepts to explain how music-related sound is produced, transmitted through air, and perceived.
            • Performance Indicator - ARTS.M.I.3.1.F:
              Students use terminology from music and other arts to analyze and compare the structures of musical and other artistic and literary works.
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