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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.1A:
            Students define culture and civilization, explaining how they developed and changed over time. Investigate the various components of cultures and civilizations including social customs, norms, values, and traditions; political systems; economic systems; religions and spiritual beliefs; and socialization or educational practices.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.1B:
            Students understand the development and connectedness of Western civilization and other civilizations and cultures in many areas of the world and over time.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.1C:
            Students analyze historic events from around the world by examining accounts written from different perspectives.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.1D:
            Students understand the broad patterns, relationships, and interactions of cultures and civilizations during particular eras and across eras.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.1E:
            Students analyze changing and competing interpretations of issues, events, and developments throughout world history.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.2A:
            Students distinguish between the past, present, and future by creating multiple-tier timelines that display important events and developments from world history across time and place.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.2B:
            Students evaluate the effectiveness of different models for the periodization of important historic events, identifying the reasons why a particular sequence for these events was chosen.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.2C:
            Students analyze evidence critically and demonstrate an understanding of how circumstances of time and place influence perspective.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.2D:
            Students explain the importance of analyzing narratives drawn from different times and places to understand historical events.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.2E:
            Students investigate key events and developments and major turning points in world history to identify the factors that brought about change and the long-term effects of these changes.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.3A:
            Students analyze the roles and contributions of individuals and groups to social, political, economic, cultural, and religious practices and activities.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.3B:
            Students explain the dynamics of cultural change and how interactions between and among cultures has affected various cultural groups throughout the world.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.3C:
            Students examine the social/cultural, political, economic, and religious norms and values of Western and other world cultures.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.4A:
            Students identify historical problems, pose analytical questions or hypotheses, research analytical questions or test hypotheses, formulate conclusions or generalizations, raise new questions or issues for further investigation.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.4B:
            Students interpret and analyze documents and artifacts related to significant developments and events in world history.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.4C:
            Students plan and organize historical research projects related to regional or global interdependence.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.C.2.4D:
            Students analyze different interpretations of important events, issues, or developments in world history by studying the social, political, and economic context in which they were developed; by testing the data source for reliability and validity, credibility, authority, authenticity, and completeness; and by detecting bias, distortion of the facts, and propaganda by omission, suppression, or invention of facts.
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