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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.A:
            Students provide simple directions.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.B:
            Students express an opinion.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.C:
            Students ask questions.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.D:
            Students summarize, with assistance.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.E:
            Students provide a sequence of steps.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.F:
            Students describe a problem and suggest a solution.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.G:
            Students state a main idea with supporting examples and details, with assistance.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.H:
            Students present a short oral report, using at least one source of information, such as a person, book, magazine article, television program, or electronic text.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.1.I:
            Students use complete sentences, using age- and content-appropriate vocabulary.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.2.A:
            Students present original works, such as stories, poems, and plays, to classmates.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.2.B:
            Students describe characters.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.2.C:
            Students compare literary texts and performances to personal experiences and prior knowledge, with assistance.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.2.D:
            Students identify cultural and ethnic features in literary texts.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.2.E:
            Students ask questions to clarify literary texts and performances.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.2.F:
            Students use complete sentences, correct verb tense, age-appropriate vocabulary, and logical order in oral presentation.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.A:
            Students explain the reasons for a character's actions, considering the situation.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.B:
            Students express an opinion or judgment about a character and plot in a variety of works, with assistance.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.C:
            Students discuss the impact of illustrations and titles in evaluating ideas, information, and experiences.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.D:
            Students use personal experience and knowledge to analyze new ideas.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.E:
            Students role-play to communicate an interpretation of real or imaginary people or events.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.F:
            Students ask and respond to questions.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.G:
            Students speak with appropriate rate and volume for the audience.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.3.H:
            Students take turns speaking in a group.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.4.A:
            Students respect the age, gender, social position, and cultural traditions of the listener when speaking.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.4.B:
            Students discuss the content of friendly notes, cards, letters, and personal narratives, with a partner or small group, in order to get to know the writer and each other.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.2.S.4.C:
            Students avoid interrupting in social conversation.
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