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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.1A:
            Students study how people live, work, and utilize natural resources.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.1B:
            Students draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.1C:
            Students locate places within the local community, state, and nation; locate the earth's continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.1D:
            Students identify and compare the physical, human, and cultural characteristics of different regions and people.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.1E:
            Students investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.2A:
            Students ask geographic questions about where places are located; why they are located where they are, what is important about their locations, and how their locations are related to the location of other people and places.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.2B:
            Students gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.E.3.2C:
            Students analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data.
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