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              • Students will - CDOS.E.3a.MI.6.A.SW:
                1. Use research techniques to acquire data:
                  1. Locate information in the library
                  2. Access the Internet
                  3. Conduct surveys and maintain tally
                  4. Interview
                  5. Record
                  6. Take notes
                  7. Outline
                2. Organize data through the use of:
                  1. Graphic organizers
                  2. Tables, graphs, and charts
                  3. Interviews
                  4. Available resources (e.g., community, natural, and human)
                3. Make informed decisions based on the documentation of data.
                4. File data, using alphabetical or numerical code.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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