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Students will - CDOS.C.3b.BI.6.A.SW: - Understand and demonstrate skills for success in a multinational business world:
- Personal qualities related to employability
- Team member skills needed to accomplish a task
- Interpersonal skills for working with and for others
- Give/receive constructive criticism
- Effective time management
- Understand leadership abilities and skills:
- Styles
- Traits of leaders (e.g., ability to motivate, delegate)
- Skills (e.g., plan, organize)
- Function effectively as members of a work group/team by:
- Demonstrating sensitivity (e.g., cultural diversity)
- Applying principles of group dynamics and participation in team activities
- Communicating
- Listening skills
- Appropriate response
- Feedback
- Understanding the chain of command/purpose of authority
- Understanding corporate culture
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
(see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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