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              • Students will - CDOS.C.3b.HS.1.A.SW:
                1. Relate English language arts to health services:
                  1. Reading
                  2. Writing
                  3. Speaking
                  4. Listening
                2. Apply natural sciences to health services:
                  1. Anatomy and physiology
                  2. Biology
                  3. Physics
                  4. Chemistry
                  5. Microbiology
                  6. Nutrition
                3. Apply mathematics to health care:
                  1. Statistics
                  2. Measurement
                  3. Ratio and proportions
                  4. Graphing and timelines
                  5. Algebra
                4. Understand the impact of social sciences in the health care system:
                  1. Psychology/life cycles
                  2. Sociology/cultures
                  3. Economics
                  4. Government
                5. Understand historical perspectives related to health care.
                6. Apply foundation skills:
                  1. Problem solving
                  2. Critical thinking
                  3. Research
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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