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              • Students will - CDOS.C.3b.HS.3.A.SW:
                1. Define types of health:
                  1. Physical
                  2. Mental
                  3. Social
                2. Identify and understand factors that adversely affect health:
                  1. Environmental
                  2. Socioeconomic (e.g., costs, insurance, access)
                  3. Heredity/genetics
                  4. High-risk behavior
                3. Identify and understand factors that promote health:
                  1. Preventive medicine
                  2. Positive personal health habits
                4. Identify and understand alternative health practices (e.g., massage therapy, acupuncture).
                5. Identify community health resources.
                6. Describe perceptions of health maintenance:
                  1. Beliefs (e.g., cultural, societal)
                  2. Peer/media influences
                  3. Political influences
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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