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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
            • Performance Indicator - MST7.I.CO.1.1:
              Students analyze science/technology/society problems and issues at the local level and plan and carry out a remedial course of action.
            • Performance Indicator - MST7.I.CO.1.2:
              Students make informed consumer decisions by seeking answers to appropriate questions about products, services, and systems; determining the cost/benefit and risk/benefit tradeoffs; and applying this knowledge to a potential purchase.
            • Performance Indicator - MST7.I.CO.1.3:
              Students design solutions to real-world problems of general social interest related to home, school, or community using scientific experimentation to inform the solution and applying mathematical concepts and reasoning to assist in developing a solution.
            • Performance Indicator - MST7.I.CO.1.4:
              Students describe and explain phenomena by designing and conducting investigations involving systematic observations, accurate measurements, and the identification and control of variables; by inquiring into relevant mathematical ideas; and by using mathematical and technological tools and procedures to assist in the investigation.
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