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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
            • Introduction - MST4.E.PS2.Introduction:

              The water cycle, weather, erosion, deposition, and extreme natural events involve interactions among air, water, and land. Students should observe and describe naturally occurring changes in their world involving these phenomena. They can also investigate these phenomena in classroom experiments.

              Younger students should be engaged in observation of their immediate surroundings with emphasis on recognizing change around them. As students mature, they can begin to recognize cycles and identify the processes and natural events which are causing the changes they are observing.

              • Major Understandings - MST4.E.PS2.1a:
                Weather is the condition of the outside air at a particular moment.
              • Major Understandings - MST4.E.PS2.1b:
                Weather can be described and measured by:
                • temperature
                • wind speed and direction
                • form and amount of precipitation
                • general sky conditions (cloudy, sunny, partly cloudy)
              • Major Understandings - MST4.E.PS2.1c:
                Water is recycled by natural processes on Earth.
                • evaporation: changing of water (liquid) into water vapor (gas)
                • condensation: changing of water vapor (gas) into water (liquid)
                • precipitation: rain, sleet, snow, hail
                • runoff: water flowing on Earth’s surface
                • groundwater: water that moves downward into the ground
              • Major Understandings - MST4.E.PS2.1d:
                Erosion and deposition result from the interaction among air, water, and land.
                • interaction between air and water breaks down earth materials
                • pieces of earth material may be moved by air, water, wind, and gravity
                • pieces of earth material will settle or deposit on land or in the water in different places
                • soil is composed of broken-down pieces of living and nonliving earth material
              • Major Understandings - MST4.E.PS2.1e:
                Extreme natural events (floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms) may have positive or negative impacts on living things.
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