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Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
(see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)-
Standard - RI.8.1:
Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.Standard - RI.8.2:
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.Standard - RI.8.3:
Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).-
Standard - RI.8.4:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.Standard - RI.8.5:
Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept.Standard - RI.8.6:
Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints.-
Standard - RI.8.7:
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.Standard - RI.8.8:
Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; recognize when irrelevant evidence is introduced.-
Component - RI.8.9.a:
Use their experience and their knowledge of language and logic, as well as culture, to think analytically, address problems creatively, and advocate persuasively.
Standard - RI.8.10:
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
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