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        • Conceptual Understanding - SS.5.4.a:
          Physical maps reflect the varied climate zones, landforms, bodies of water, and natural resources of the Western Hemisphere.
        • Conceptual Understanding - SS.5.4.b:
          The Western Hemisphere can be divided into regions. Regions are areas that share common identifiable characteristics such as physical, political, economic, or cultural features. Regions within the Western Hemisphere include: * North America (Canada and the United States) * Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America) * Caribbean * South America
          • Content Specification - SS.5.4.c.1:
            Students will map the regions within the Western Hemisphere and locate major physical features within each region.
          • Content Specification - SS.5.4.c.2:
            Students will create a political map of the Western Hemisphere noting which countries are in which region and a political map of the United States showing the location of the states.
          • Content Specification - SS.5.4.c.3:
            Students will use physical, climate, and vegetation maps in combination with population density, land use, and resource distribution maps to discern patterns in human settlement and types of economic activity.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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