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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
      • Introduction - MST1.E.Introduction:
        Science process skills should be based on a series of discoveries. Students learn most effectively when they have a central role in the discovery process. To that end, Standards 1, 2, 6, and 7 incorporate in the Elementary Science Core Curriculum a student-centered, problem-solving approach to intermediate science. The following is an expanded version of the skills found in Standards 1, 2, 6, and 7 of the Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science, and Technology. This list is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of the content or skills that teachers are expected to incorporate into their curriculum. It should be a goal of the instructor to encourage science process skills that will provide students with background and curiosity sufficient to prompt investigation of important issues in the world around them. Note: the use of e.g. denotes examples which may be used for in-depth study. The terms for example and such as denote material which is testable. Items in paranthesis denote further definition of the word(s) preceding the item and are testable
        • Major Understandings - MST1.E.SI3.1a:
          Accurately transfer data from a science journal or notes to appropriate graphic organizer
        • Major Understandings - MST1.E.SI3.2a:
          State, orally and in writing, any inferences or generalizations indicated by the data collected
        • Major Understandings - MST1.E.SI3.3a:
          Explain their findings to others, and actively listen to suggestions for possible interpretations and ideas
        • Major Understandings - MST1.E.SI3.4a:
          State, orally and in writing, any inferences or generalizations indicated by the data, with appropriate modifications of their original prediction/explanation
        • Major Understandings - MST1.E.SI3.4b:
          State, orally and in writing, any new questions that arise from their investigation
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