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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1A:
            Students explain how societies and nations attempt to satisfy their basic needs and wants by utilizing scarce capital, natural, and human resources.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1B:
            Students define basic economic concepts such as scarcity, supply and demand, markets, opportunity costs, resources, productivity, economic growth, and systems.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1C:
            Students understand how scarcity requires people and nations to make choices which involve costs and future considerations.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1D:
            Students understand how people in the United States and throughout the world are both producers and consumers of goods and service.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1E:
            Students investigate how people in the United States and throughout the world answer the three fundamental economic questions and solve basic economic problems.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1F:
            Students describe how traditional, command, market, and mixed economies answer the three fundamental economic questions.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.1G:
            Students explain how nations throughout the world have joined with one another to promote economic development and growth.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.2A:
            Students identify and collect economic information from standard reference works, newspapers, periodicals, computer databases, textbooks, and other primary and secondary sources.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.2B:
            Students organize and classify economic information by distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, placing ideas in chronological order, and selecting appropriate labels for data.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.2C:
            Students evaluate economic data by differentiating fact from opinion and identifying frames of reference.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.2D:
            Students develop conclusions about economic issues and problems by creating broad statements which summarize findings and solutions.
          • Performance Indicator - SS.I.4.2E:
            Students present economic information by using media and other appropriate visuals such as tables, charts, and graphs to communicate ideas and conclusions.
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