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          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.8.3.1:
            Identify a region of the United States by describing multiple characteristics common to places within it, and then identify other similar regions inside the United States.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.8.3.2:
            Identify and compare multiple perspectives on a given historical experience.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.8.3.3:
            Describe, compare, and evaluate multiple historical developments (within societies; across and between societies; in various chronological and geographical contexts).
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.8.3.4:
            Describe the relationship between geography, economics, and history as a context for events and movements in the United States.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.8.3.5:
            Connect historical developments to specific circumstances of time and place and to broader regional, national, or global processes.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.8.3.6:
            Analyze case studies in United States history in a comparative framework attending to the role of chronology and sequence, as well as categories of comparison or socio-political components.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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