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            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.E.1.1.A:
              Students participate in physical activities (games, sports, exercises) that provide conditioning for each fitness area.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.E.1.1.B:
              Students develop physical fitness skills through regular practice, effort, and perseverance.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.E.1.1.C:
              Students demonstrate mastery of fundamental motor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills, and understand fundamental principles of movement.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.E.1.1.D:
              Students understand the effects of activity on the body, the risks associated with inactivity, and the basic components of health-related fitness (cardiovascular, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and body composition).
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.E.1.1.E:
              Students demonstrate and assess their fitness by performing exercises or activities related to each health-related fitness component, and establish personal goals to improve their fitness.
            • Performance Indicator - HPF.PE.E.1.1.F:
              Students understand the relationship between physical activity and individual well being.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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