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              • Students will - CDOS.C.3a.BS.1.A.SW:
                1. Demonstrate competency in reading through strategies to:
                  1. Organize new information to support a decision in the workplace
                  2. Make generalizations and identify underlying concepts independently
                  3. Apply information from one context to many
                  4. Extract and synthesize data from many sources
                  5. Use insight to make generalizations and draw conclusions
                  6. Assess data and information for significance
                  7. Recognize and evaluate cultural values in text
                  8. Determine the meaning of unknown and technical vocabulary
                  9. Judge the accuracy of reports, proposals, or ideas of others
                2. Demonstrate competency in writing through strategies to:
                  1. Use effective and appropriate writing styles
                  2. Present information selectively and make independent decisions
                  3. Write in unique and purposeful ways
                  4. Display high levels of writing skills in areas of specialized knowledge
                  5. Show originality in writing
                  6. Manipulate vocabulary for pleasing or striking effects
                  7. Use appropriate perspective based on the context
                  8. Use creative and insightful strategies
                  9. Compose and create documents (manuscripts, flowcharts, graphs, reports, etc.)
                  10. Develop note-taking skills
                3. Demonstrate competency in listening and speaking through strategies to:
                  1. Adjust and expand ideas and opinions by listening to others
                  2. Seek out, incorporate, and synthesize new information
                  3. Make judgments about the most effective way to present information
                  4. Present information clearly and logically to a variety of audiences
                  5. Take initiative in structuring group discussions
                  6. Influence group members through effective expression of ideas
                  7. Be open to a wide range of assessments
                  8. Develop personal standards and objective criteria to assess a wide variety of oral presentations
                  9. Encourage and evaluate diverse and complex oral presentations
                4. Demonstrate competency in mathematical operations through strategies to:
                  1. Make generalizations that will apply to all similar data
                  2. Express mathematical concepts orally and in writing
                  3. Use logic to create new situations and predict outcomes using similar relationships
                  4. Determine the appropriate unit of measure
                  5. Develop procedures for using measurements in job situations and personal use
                  6. Conduct an experiment to simulate an event over a number of trials
                  7. Evaluate predictions based on outcomes of a probability model
                  8. Use statistics to make decisions and inferences based on data
                  9. Use charts, graphs, and tables to convey quantitative data
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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