1.1.1: Follow an inquirybased
process in
seeking knowledge in
curricular subjects,
and make the realworld
connection for
using this process in
own life.
1.1.2: Use prior and
background knowledge
as context for new
1.1.3: Develop and refine a
range of questions to
frame the search for
new understanding.
1.1.4: Find, evaluate, and
select appropriate
sources to answer
1.1.5: Evaluate information
found in selected
sources on the basis
of accuracy, validity,
appropriateness for
needs, importance,
and social and
cultural context.
1.1.6: Read, view, and
listen for information
presented in any
format (e.g., textual,
visual, media, digital)
in order to make
inferences and
gather meaning.
1.1.7: Make sense of
information gathered
from diverse sources
by identifying
main and supporting
ideas, conflicting
information, and point
of view or bias.
1.1.8: Demonstrate mastery
of technology tools for
accessing information
and pursuing inquiry.
1.1.9: Collaborate with others
to broaden and deepen