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Standard: RL.2.1

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Standard: RL.2.10

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Standard: RI.2.1

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Standard: RI.2.10

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Component: SL.2.1.c

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under discussion.

Standard: SL.2.3

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.

Standard: SL.2.4

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.

Component: SL.2.1.d

Subject Area: English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)
Grades: Elementary, 2nd Grade

Seek to understand and communicate with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

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