Last updated: 6/15/2015

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TCSD Pacing Guide September-January- 7th Grade

English Grade 7

Literacy Learning


We will start off the year helping students realize that their experience with literature will challenge them to discover new ways of reading. learning, and knowing.  The purposes include:

  • To involve students in an activity that will help them think about the reading of literature in new ways.
  • To help students discover that literature is a way to connect to their own lives and to the world around them
  • To introduce students to the parts of the literature book
  • To familiarize students with the tools that promote learning, such as a portfolio, a reading log, and a notebook
  • To provide a model that shows real students using reading strategies to become active learners and readers with literature

Strategies for Reading;

  • Question
  • Connect
  • Predict
  • Clarify
  • Evaluate
  • Inference
  • Visualize


Weaving a Story: Plot, Conflict, and Setting in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama

Literary Analysis:

  • Stages of plot
  • Internal and external conflict



Journeys and Survival

Module 1 Unit 1 –  (RI) Survival  (excerpts)

14 sessions (4 weeks)

Module 1

Journeys and Survival

Students explore the experiences of people of Southern Sudan during and after the Second Sudanese Civil War.  They build proficiency in using textual evidence to support ideas in their writing, both in shorter responses and in extended essays.  They read a Long Walk to Water, analyzing the points of view of the central characters Salva and Nya.  Students focus on one key theme; How individuals survive in challenging environments.  The novel is paired with complex informational texts on Sudan.  Students then combine reserarch about Sudan and quotes the novel and craft a research-based-two-voice poem.




Journeys and Survival

Module 1 Unit 2  - (RL) + Excerpts

Long Walk to Water

19 sessions (4 weeks)



Examining a Model Two-Voice Poem and Planning a Two-Voice Poem

Analyzing Point of View in A Long Walk to Water


End of Unit 3 Assessment: Using Strong Evidence



Finding Writing Ideas:

Students will write about ideas that interest them, their writing will be enthusiastic and thus likely to interest their readers.

Students will use their portfolios to file the work they do to complete the project and activities throughout the lessons this year.  Students will include, outlines, drafts, revisions, and completed work.  Portfolios will help students assess what they have learned form the work they have completed for a particular unit.


Students will maintain a notebook to record their responses to and notes form some items on previewing a d responding.  At various times, students will use their notes to help them participate in paired or group discussions.    They can also use these notes to see if their thoughts or feelings have changed.


Reading Log: Students will record their thoughts and responses while reading.  At times students will be responding to questions provided, but they will also be encouraged to jot down their ideas and question whenever they read independently.

Descriptive Essay: Write with vivid descriptions to make the reader feel as if he is there with the characters.  Write a focused description of a special place. 


Identifying Perspective and Using Evidence from a Long Walk to Water- Assessment After chpater 5

Literary Analysis: Writing about Theme of Survival (RL 7.1, 7.2, W. 7.2, 7.9)

Research-based Two-Voice Poem (RL. 7.6, W.7.3, 7.9) 

Consumer's Guide to Working Conditions in the Garment Industry brochure (W.7.2a)b,d,f,W.7.4,W.7.6,W.7.7, W.7.8,L7.3, and L7.6)


"A Retrieved Reformation"

  • assiduously
  • balk
  • compulsory
  • elusive
  • eminent
  • rehabilitate
  • retribution
  • unobtrusively
  • unperceived
  • virtuous

"The Autobiography of Malcolm X"

  • articulate
  • emulate
  • feign
  • painstaking
  • rehabilitation


Latin Root "Uni"

Writer's Glossary: Academic words related to the writing process and products( mostly from the NYS Grade 6-8 Expository Writing Evaluation Rubric) 

Words in the rubric to refer to writing

Expository writing vocabulary,

Use writing to analyze literature

Descriptive Writing

Sensory Details



Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement


Social Studies

 Key Idea: Native Americans

(Standards: 1, 2; Themes: ID, MOV, GEO)

Text: America: History of our Nation-Chapter 1- Roots of the American People

7.1 NATIVE AMERICANS*: The physical environment and natural resources of North America influenced the development of the first human settlements and the culture of Native Americans. Native American societies varied across North America.

 7.1a Geography and climate influenced the migration and cultural development of Native Americans. Native Americans in North America settled into different regions and developed distinct cultures.

Ø   Students will examine theories of human settlement of the Americas.

Ø   Students will compare and contrast different Native American culture groups with a focus on the influence geographic factors had on their development including Sioux and Anasazi.

Ø   Students will examine the various Native American culture groups located within what became New York State including Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), and the influence geographic factors had on their development.

Key Idea:  Colonial Developments

(Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4; Themes: MOV, GEO, ECO, TECH, EXCH)

Text: America: History of Our Nation- Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward

7.2 COLONIAL DEVELOPMENTS: European exploration of the New World resulted in various interactions with Native Americans and in colonization. The American colonies were established for a variety of reasons and developed differently based on economic, social, and geographic factors. Colonial America had a variety of social structures under which not all people were treated equally.

7.2a Social, economic, and scientific improvements helped European nations launch an Age of Exploration.

Ø   Students will explain the significance of the technological developments and scientific understandings that improved European exploration such as the caravel, magnetic compass, astrolabe, and Mercator projection.

Ø   Students will examine the voyage of Columbus, leading to the Columbian Exchange and the voyages of other explorers such as Champlain, Hudson, and Verrazano.

7.2b Different European groups had varied interactions and relationships with the Native American societies they encountered. Native American societies suffered from losses of life and land due to the Encounter with Europeans justified by the “Doctrine of Discovery.”

Ø   Students will compare and contrast British interactions with the Wampanoag, Dutch interactions with the Mohican, Mohawk or Munsee, French interactions with the Algonquin, and Spanish interactions with the Muscogee.

Ø   Students will investigate other Native American societies found in their locality and their interactions with European groups.

Ø   Students will examine the major reasons Native American societies declined in population and lost land to the Europeans.







 Key Idea: Colonial Developments

(Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4; Themes: MOV, GEO, ECO, TECH, EXCH)

Text: America: History of our Nation- Chapter 3: Colonies Take Root

7.2c European nations established colonies in North America for economic, religious, and political reasons. Differences in climate, physical features, access to water, and sources of labor contributed to the development of different economies in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.

Ø   Students will investigate the reasons for colonization and the role of geography in the development of each colonial region.

Ø   Students will examine the economic, social and political characteristics of each colonial region.

Ø   Students will investigate the reasons for colonization and the role of geography in the development of each colonial region.

Ø   Students will examine the economic, social and political characteristics of each colonial region.

7.2d In New York, the Dutch established settlements along the Hudson River and the French established settlements in the Champlain Valley. Dutch contributions to American society were long-lasting.

Ø   Students will compare and contrast the early Dutch settlements with French settlements and with those in the subsequent British colony of New York in terms of political, economic, and social characteristics, including an examination of the patroon system.

Ø   Students will examine the changing status and role of African Americans under the Dutch and English colonial systems.

Ø   Student will examine Dutch contributions to American society including acceptance of a diverse population, a degree of religious toleration and right to petition. Students will examine Dutch relations with Native Americans.


7.2e Over the course of the 17th and 18th centuries, slavery grew in the colonies. Enslaved Africans utilized a variety of strategies to both survive and resist their conditions.


Ø   Students will describe the conditions of the Middle Passage.

Ø   Students will explain why and where slavery grew over time in the United States and students will examine the living conditions of slaves, including those in New York State.

Ø   Students will investigate different methods enslaved Africans used to survive and resist their conditions, including slave revolts in New York.

Ø   Within the context of New York history, students will distinguish between indentured servitude and slavery.

Key Idea: American Independence

(Standards: 1, 4, 5; Themes: TCC, GOV, ECO)

Test: History: A History of our Nation- Chapter 4: Life in the Colonies


7.3 AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE: Growing tensions over political power and economic issues sparked a movement for independence from Great Britain. New York played a critical role in the course and outcome of the American Revolution.

7.3a Conflicts between France and Great Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries in North America altered the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain.

Ø   Students will locate battles fought between France and Great Britain during the 17th and 18th centuries, and how this led to the importance of British troops in the area of New York.

Ø   Students will examine the changing economic relationship between the colonies and Great Britain, including mercantilism and the practice of salutary neglect.

Ø   Students will identify the issues stemming from the Zenger Trial that affected the development of individual rights in colonial America.




 Key Idea:  American Independence

(Standards: 1, 4, 5; Themes: TCC, GOV, ECO)

Text:  America: History of our Nation- Chapter 5: The Road to Revolution

7.3b Stemming from the French and Indian War, the British government enacted and attempted to enforce new political and economic policies in the colonies. These policies triggered varied colonial responses, including protests and dissent.

Ø   Students will investigate the Albany Congress and the Albany Plan of Union as a plan for colonial unification, and the influence of Haudensaunee ideas in their development.

Ø   Students will examine actions taken by the British including the Proclamation of 1763, the Quartering

Act, the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the Coercive Acts, and colonial responses to those actions.

Ø   Students will compare British and colonial patriot portrayals of the Boston Massacre using historical evidence.

Ø   Students will compare the proportions of loyalists and patriots in different regions of New York State.

Ø   Students will examine the events at Lexington and Concord as the triggering events for the Revolutionary War.




Key Idea: American Independnece


Text: America: History of our Nation- Chapter 6: The American Revolution

7.3c Influenced by Enlightenment ideas and their rights as Englishmen, American colonial leaders outlined their grievances against British policies and actions in the Declaration of Independence.

Ø   Students will examine the influence Enlightenment ideas such as natural rights and social contract and ideas expressed in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense had on colonial leaders in their debates on independence.

Ø   Students will examine the Declaration of Independence and the arguments for independence stated within it.

7.3d The outcome of the American Revolution was influenced by military strategies, geographic considerations, the involvement of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and other Native American groups in the war, and aid from other nations. The Treaty of Paris (1789) established the terms of peace.

Ø   Students will explore the different military strategies used by the Americans and their allies, including various Native American groups, during the American Revolution.

Ø   Students will examine the strategic importance of the New York colony. Students will examine the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga in terms of its effects on American and British morale and on European views on American prospects for victory in the Revolution.

Ø   Students will examine the terms of the Treaty of Paris, determine what boundary was set for the United States, and illustrate this on a map.



Key Idea: Historical Development of the United States

(Standards: 1, 5; Themes: GOV, CIV)

Text: America: History of our Nation- Chapter 7: Creating the Constitution

7.4 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION: The newly independent states faced political and economic struggles under the Articles of Confederation. These challenges resulted in a Constitutional Convention, a debate over ratification, and the eventual adoption of the Bill of Rights.

(Standards: 1, 5; Themes: GOV, CIV)


7.4a Throughout the American Revolution, the colonies struggled to address their differing social, political, and economic interests and to establish unity. The Articles of Confederation created a form of government that loosely united the states, but allowed states to maintain a large degree of sovereignty.


7.4b The lack of a strong central government under the Articles of Confederation presented numerous challenges. A convention was held to revise the Articles, the result of which was the Constitution. The Constitution established a democratic republic with a stronger central government.


Ø   Students will investigate the successes and failures of the Articles of Confederation, determine why many felt a new plan of government was needed, and explain how the United States Constitution attempted to address the weaknesses of the Articles.

Ø   Students will examine the New York State Constitution, its main ideas and provisions, and its influence on the formation of the United States Constitution.


7.4c Advocates for and against a strong central government were divided on issues of States rights, role/limits of federal power, and guarantees of individual freedoms. Compromises were needed between the states in order to ratify the Constitution.


Ø   Students will examine from multiple perspectives arguments regarding the balance of power between the federal and state governments, the power of government, and the rights of individuals.

Ø   Students will examine how key issues were resolved during the Constitutional Convention including:

§     state representation in Congress (Great Compromise or bicameral legislature)

§     the balance of power between the federal and state governments (establishment of the system of federalism)

§     the prevention of parts of government becoming too powerful (the establishment of the three branches)

§     the counting of the enslaved African American community for purposes of congressional representation and taxation (the Three-Fifths Compromise)

Ø     Students will examine the role of New York residents Alexander Hamilton and John Jay as leading

advocates for the new Constitution.


7.5 THE CONSTITUTION IN PRACTICE: The United States Constitution serves as the foundation of the United States government and outlines the rights of citizens. The Constitution is considered a living document that can respond to political and social changes. The New York Constitution also has been changed over time. (Standards: 1, 5; Themes: TCC, GOV, CIV)


7.5a The Constitution outlined a federalist system of government that shares powers among the federal, state, and local governments.


Ø   Students will identify powers granted to the federal government and examine the language used to grant powers to the states.


7.5b The Constitution established three branches of government as well as a system of checks and balances that guides the relationship between the branches. Individual rights of citizens are addressed in the Bill of Rights.


Ø   Students will compare and contrast the powers granted to Congress, the president, and the Supreme

Court by the Constitution.

Ø   Students will examine how checks and balances work by tracing how a bill becomes a law

Ø   Students will identify the individual rights of citizens that are protected by the Bill of Rights.


7.5c While the Constitution provides a formal process for change through amendments, the Constitution can respond to change in other ways. The New York State Constitution changed over time with changes in the early

19th century making it more democratic.


Ø   Students will examine the process for amending the constitution.

Ø   Students will examine the evolution of the unwritten constitution such as Washington’s creation of the presidential cabinet and the development of political parties.

Ø   Students will examine the changes to the New York State Constitution and how they were made during the 19th century.



Mentor Texts

"A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry

"The Autobiography of Malcolm X" Malcom X with Alex Haley

"Seventh Grade" Gary Soto

"Thank You, M'am"  Langston Hughes

"Exploring the Titanic" Robert Ballard

"Casey at the Bat" Ernest Lawrence Thayer

"The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" Rod Serling

"Casey at the Bat" Ernest Lawrence Thayer

"The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" Rod Serling


"Loss of Culturally Vital Cattle Leaves Dinka Tribe Adrift in Refugee Camps,"  Stephen Buckley (RI, 1110L)


Water for South Sudan, (RI 1090L)


"Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War," Karl Vick (RI, 1060L)


"Author's Note, A Long Walk to Water," Linda Sue Park (RI, 1030L)


"Time Trip excerpt from Life and Death in Darfur: Sudan's Refugee Crisis Continues, Current Events (RI, 970L)


A Long Walk to Water, Linda Sue Park (RI 720L)


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