Last updated: 3/16/2015

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World Languages-Spanish Pacing Guide Grades 6-8

Sixth Grade


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. greet one another in the target language

      2. discuss their moods

      3. exchange telephone numbers and e-mail addresses


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1.  the familiar and the formal address

      2. use masculine, feminine and gender-neutral adjectives


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1.  that the second person address “you” can be formal or familiar, singular or plural

      2. that vosotros is used in Spain as a familiar, plural second person address.  Some parts of Central America use vos

      3. that country-code top level domains such as .mx, .co, .ve, .pr, etc. may indicate the country of origin of a particular website or e-mail address. 

      4. that telephone numbers in the target cultures are often said in double-digits



      1.   ¿Cómo te llamas? / ¿Cómo se llama usted?

      2. ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo está usted?

      3. ¿Cómo se escribe tu (su) nombre / tu (su) nombre de familia?

      4. ¿Cuál es tu (su) correo electrónico? 

      5. ¿Cuál es tu (su) número de teléfono?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss today’s, tomorrow’s and yesterday’s day and date

      2. discuss their birthdays, birthdays of loved ones, and other important dates

      3. add, subtract, multiply and divide in Spanish

      4. discuss age


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. third person singular conjugation of ser (es, será, fue) to discuss dates

      2. use tener + # to discuss age


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1.   that dates in the target cultures are written dd/mm/yy

      2. that students in some countries celebrate their Saint’s Day in addition to their birthday

      3. that commas and decimals switch places when writing prices  (e.g. 1,5 € = one euro and fifty cents)



      1. ¿Cuál es la fecha?

      2. ¿Qué día es hoy?

      3. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

      4. ¿Cuánto es___?

      5. ¿Cuántos años tienes?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss the weather and temperature

      2. understand a written or video weather forecast


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. hacer and estar with weather vocabulary


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1.  that certain weather expressions are more frequently used in different regions than others.  E.g. ¿Qué tiempo hace? In Spain versus ¿Cómo está la clima? in Latin America

      2. that temperature is measured in Celsius in many Spanish-speaking countries



      1.  ¿Qué tiempo hace? / ¿Cómo está la clima?

      2. ¿Cuál es la temperatura?

      3. ¿Qué dice el pronóstico del tiempo?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss the current time

      2. discuss the time of various events

      3. understand a schedule from the target culture


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. ser to discuss time


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. that the twenty-four hour clock is often used in the target cultures

      2. that the time is different in different time zones



      1. ¿Qué hora es? 

      2. ¿A qué hora es________?

      3. ¿Qué hora es en ________?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. describe themselves and others (personality and physical characteristics)

      2. describe the people in their families

      3. describe nationalities of various people


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. ser verb conjugations

      2. noun / adjective agreement in number and gender

      3. definite and indefinite articles plus an adjective to discuss a person


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. that certain adjectives take different connotations in different cultures

      2. the difference between nationality and national origin. 

      3. the importance of the extended family in many Spanish-speaking countries



      1.  ¿Cómo eres?  / ¿Cómo es_________?

      2. ¿De dónde eres? / ¿De dónde es? 

      3. ¿Cuál es su nacionalidad?

      4. ¿Cómo es tu familia?

      5. ¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. describe their houses and the rooms inside them


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. nouns and adjectives that agree in number and gender

      2. ser to describe and estar to discuss location and condition


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. that living situations vary around the world

      2. that the “first floor” is the equivalent to the American understanding of the second floor.  The street-level is called the “ground floor”.



      1.  ¿Dónde vives?

      2. ¿Cómo es tu casa?

      3. ¿Con quién vives?

      4. ¿Qué hay en tu casa?

      5. ¿Te gusta tu casa?

      6. ¿Cuál es tu cuarto favorito?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1.  discuss their likes and dislikes

      2. discuss their favorite hobbies and pastimes


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1.  gustar and encantar to discuss things that they like to do


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. that teens in the target cultures enjoy some of the same activities as teens in the U.S.



      1.  ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

      2. ¿Qué no te gusta hacer?

      3. ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito?

Seventh Grade


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. greet one another

      2. exchange names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses

      3. discuss mood

      4. discuss ages


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. the Spanish alphabet


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. familiar and formal address

      2. gestures from the target cultures

      3. coloquial expressions



      1. ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo está usted?

      2. ¿Cómo te sientes? / ¿Cómo se siente usted?

      3. ¿Cómo te llamas?  / ¿Cómo se llama usted?

      4. ¿Cuántos años tienes?  / ¿Cuántos años tiene usted?

      5. ¿Cúál es tu (su) número de teléfono?

      6. ¿Cuál es tu (su) correo electrónico?

      7. ¿Cómo se escribe tu (su) apellido?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss the day of the week today, yesterday and tomorrow

      2. discuss important dates, such as birthdays and holidays

      3. tell time in the target language


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. the third person conjugation of ser to discuss date

        1. es, fue, será



    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. 24-hour clock

      2. important dates and holidays in the target cultures, making connections and drawing contrast to holidays with which students are already familiar. 

      3. mealtimes in the target cultures



      1. ¿Qué día es hoy?

      2. ¿Qué día fue ayer?

      3. ¿Qué día será mañana?

      4. ¿Cuál es la fecha?

      5. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? / ¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños?

      6. ¿Cuándo es _______?

      7. ¿Qué hora es?

      8. ¿A qué hora es_______?




    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss the weather in various seasons the target language

      2. discuss the temperature in the target language

      3. understand a weather forecast in the target language


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. the verbs estar and hacer to discuss the weather



    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. differences in climate in biomes in target cultures

      2. Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion



      1. ¿Qué tiempo hace?

      2. ¿Cuál es la temperatura?



    1.  COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:

      1. discuss prices of items using numbers up to a million

      2. use colloquial expressions to haggle for a bargain in the target culture


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. ¡Qué_______!to make an exclamation


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. how to convert currency

      2. how to convert dollars per gallon to liters per euro

      3. appropriate ways to haggle for a bargain



      1. ¿Qué le gustaría comprar?

      2. ¿Cuánto cuesta?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss the classes in their course schedule

      2. discuss the school supplies that they need for each class

      3. discuss the days and times of each course


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. necesitar to discuss needs

      2. para


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. differences in school day in the target cultures

      2. how to read a 24-hour schedule

      3. that differences in dialect result in different names for objects around the world

      4. how the phenomenon of Spanglish has affected Spanish lexicon



      1. ¿Cuántas clases tienes?

      2. ¿A qué hora es la clase de__________?

      3. ¿Quién es el profesor/la profesora de_____________?

      4. ¿Cómo es la clase de_________?

      5. ¿Qué necesitas para la clase de _____________?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss their nationality and national origin

      2. discuss physical and personality characteristics of family members


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. ser to describe appearance, personality and national origin

      2. masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral adjectives

      3. singular and plural forms of adjectives


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. the geographic locations of various countries in the target cultures

      2. the positive and negative connotations associated with various adjectives in the target cultures

      3. how to use adjectives as a noun by adding a definite article



      1. ¿De dónde eres?  / ¿De dónde es?

      2. ¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad? / ¿Cuál es su nacionalidad?

      3. ¿Cómo eres?  / ¿Cómo es?

      4. ¿Cómo es tu familia?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss the activities that they like to do

      2. use question words and associated vocabulary to discuss what they do, when, where, why and with whom


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. –AR, -ER, and –IR verb conjugations

      2. consecutive verbs, conjugating the first, and leaving the second in the infinitive


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. the various leisure activities enjoyed in the target cultures



      1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

      2. ¿Qué haces?

      3. ¿Cuándo?

      4. ¿Cómo?

      5. ¿Dónde? / ¿De dónde?

      6. ¿Cuánto?  / ¿Cuántos?

      7. ¿Cuál? / ¿Cuáles?

      8. ¿Por qué?

      9. ¿Quién?  ¿Con quién?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss what they’re wear in various situations

      2. discuss clothing colors, prints, materials, and sizes

      3. discuss problems with clothing


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. llevar, ponerse, vestirse to discuss clothing

      2. demonstrative adjectives with aqui, allí and allá

      3. agreement of adjectives in number and in gender


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. clothing and shoe sizes vary in different cultures

      2. the difference beween talla and tamaño



      1. ¿Qué llevas?

      2. ¿Qué tienes puesto?

      3. ¿Cómo te vistes cuando_______?

      4. ¿De qué color es________?

      5. ¿De qué esta hecho__________?

      6. ¿Cuál es el problema con_________?

      7. ¿Qué talla es?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss what people are in the middle of doing

      2. discuss current location

      3. discuss future locations

      4. discuss future activities

      5.  discuss vacation plans

      6. discuss means of transportation


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. –ando/-iendo with estar to discuss what people are in the middle of doing

      2. estar to discuss current location

      3. ir to discuss future locations

      4. ir + a + infinitive to discuss future activities

      5. ¿Dónde? ¿De dónde?  ¿Adónde?

      6. para________ = in order to

      7. contractions al and del


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. means of transportation used in the target cultures

      2. reasons for city plans of places in the target culture (i.e. central location of the plaza, etc.)



      1. ¿Qué estás haciendo?

      2. ¿Dónde estás?

      3. ¿Adónde vas?

      4. ¿Porque vas a ______?

      5. ¿Cómo vas a ___________?

      6. ¿Qué vas a hacer durante las vacaciones?

Eigth Grade


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss their daily activities

        1. when

        2. where

        3. why

        4. with whom

      2. discuss their likes and dislikes


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. regular –AR, -ER and –IR verbs

      2. reflexive verbs

      3. stem-changing verbs

      4. all question words


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. familiar vs. formal address (singular and plural)



      1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

        1. ¿Con quién?

        2. ¿Por qué?

        3. ¿Cuándo?

        4. ¿Dónde?

      2. ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito?

      3. ¿Qué haces después de las clases?

      4. ¿Qué tienes que hacer todos los días?

        1. ¿por la mañana?

        2. ¿antes de acostarte?

  1. HOUSE AND HOME—Household Chores

    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. understand and give commands using the positive and negative imperative mood

      2. use tener que to discuss what they have to do

      3. use deber to discuss what they should do

      4. use necesitar to discuss what they need to do

      5. use hay que to discuss what must be done


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. regular positive and negative regular commands

      2. irregular positive and negative commands

      3. spelling changes for –gar and –car verbs

      4. tener + que + infinitive verb

      5. deber + infinitive verb

      6. necesitar + infinitive verb

      7. hay + que + infinitive verb


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. that commands are in everyday life and are found in cookbooks, GPS directions and even road signs

      2. that the formal address must be used in most written commands, as the writer seldom knows his/her audience personally

      3. that other expressions, such as deber can be used to soften the intensity of a request, turning it into a suggestion



      1. ¿Qué necesito hacer? 

      2. ¿Qué tengo que hacer?

      3. ¿Qué debo hacer?

      4. ¿Qué hay que hacer?

  1. EDUCATION & CURRENT EVENTS--¿Qué piensas?

    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. Discuss their opinions and observations

      2. To use persuasive language to express wishes, emotions, observations, doubt, speculation, or to make recommendations.

      3. Use online dictionaries such as to enhance their vocabularies, and to check their own word choice. 


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. Discuss their opinions using pensar, preferir and creer

      2. Use parecer to discuss observations

      3. Use the superlative to discuss observations and opinions

      4. Use mejor and peor to discuss observations and opinions

      5. Use the subjunctive tense to discuss wishes, emotions, observations, doubt, speculation, or to make recommendations.

      6. Students will observe the similarity in construction of the imperative mood and the subjunctive tense, as a result of their similar meaning (unfulfilled wish).


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. current events in the Spanish-speaking world, by engaging authentic text and other media in the target language



      1. ¿Qué piensas?

      2. ¿Qué crees?

      3. ¿Cuál es tu opinión?

      4. ¿Cuál es lo mejor/ lo peor?  ¿Por qué?

      5. ¿Qué recomiendas? 

      6. ¿Qué te parece?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. discuss what they have done in the recent past, using acabar de + infinitive

      2. discuss what they did in the past, using the preterite tense

      3. discuss where they went and what they did last week

      4. discuss where they went and what they did on a recent vacation


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. Acabar de to discuss what they have just done

      2. Regular and irregular verbs in the preterite tense

      3. Para as “in order to”


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. that shopping in specialized stores is common in many Spanish-speaking countries




      1. ¿Qué acabas de hacer?

      2. ¿Qué hiciste hoy/ayer/la semana pasada/el mes pasado/el año pasado/durante las vacaciones, etc ?

      3. ¿Adónde fuiste?

      4. ¿Por qué fuiste a _____?


    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. Discuss various tasks associated with party planning

      2. Designate people responsible for each task, using direct and indirect objects as appropriate

      3. Discuss what they have already done, and what still needs to be done


    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. Direct object pronouns

      2. Indirect object pronouns

      3. Double object pronouns

      4. Ya hice and todavía necesito


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. Traditions surrounding Christmas, such as las posasas, y El Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos, and unique traditions for el Año Nuevo around the Spanish-speaking world

      2. Customs and etiquitte associated with parties




      1. ¿Quién puede ayudarme preparar la comida,

      2.  decorar la sala, limpiar la casa, mandar las invitaciones, etc.?

      3. ¿Qué ya hiciste? 

      4. ¿Qué necesitas hacer todavía?



    1. COMMUNICATIVE AIM:  Students will be able to:

      1. Identify all body parts and organs

      2. Discuss physical ailments

      3. Diagnose conditions

      4. Prescribe/suggest remedies

    2. GRAMMATICAL FOCUS:  Students will be able to use:

      1. Deber to suggest remedies

      2. Tener que and hay que  to discuss what has to be done/what must be done

      3. Formal and informal commands to prescribe remedies

      4. lastimar and doler with indirect object pronouns to discuss injury and pain

      5. hace + time to discuss how long a symptom has been ocurring


    3. CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING:  Students will understand:

      1. Differences and similarities in the health care systems around the world



      1. ¿Qué tengo?

      2. ¿Cómo te sientes?

      3. ¿Cuál es el problema?

      4. ¿Qué debo hacer?

      5. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que te duele la cabeza?

      6. ¿Cuáles son las partes del cuerpo humano?

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