Industrial Arts
1. Safety Procedures
- Welcome to the industrial arts labs.
- Introduction to the machines, tools & workspace.
- Safety for the lab environment.
- Emergency procedures within the lab environment.
2. Measurement
- Feet - ' Inches - "
- 1/2", 1/4", 1/8", 1/16" scale measurement on a ruler.
3. Technical Drawing
- Technical Lettering
- Technical Numbering
1. Technical Drawing
- Technical Lettering
- Technical Numbering
- 3 view technical drawing - Top, Front, Side
- Technical Drawing Workspace
- Cutting Board Design
- Title Box
2. Manufacturing
- Material List
- Back Saw
- Quick Clamps
1. Manufcturing
- Glueing - Edge Glueing
- Sanding - Raise the Grain Technique; 80, 120, 180, 220, 400 grit process.
- Router - Custom edging
- Optional Legs - Hand drill, buttons, rubber mallot.
Information Technology
1. Tablet Review
- Surface Pro vs. Surface Rt
- Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Proper handling, storage, set-up of new tablet device.
2. Office 365 Review
- Web Apps, proper use of email, OneDrive Pro (SharePoint).
3. OneDrive Review
- Local One Drive
- Web based OneDrive (
1. 3D Modeling & Printing
- MakerBot Replicator Device
- AutoDesk 123 Design
- File Menu
- Setting up the workspace
- X, Y, Z Axis
- Navigating the Workspace
- Sketching - Shapes
- Sketching - Lines
- Sketching - Edits
1. 3D Modeling & Printing
- Extruding
- Measure
- Fillet & Chamfer
- Extrude Taper
- Moving & Orientation
- Insert Object