Seventh Grade
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
discuss the relative position of objects and locations
give driving directions
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
prepositional phrases to discuss relative location
formal and familiar commands to give driving directions
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that street signs, signals, and rules of the road vary in different countries
the meaning/function of various signs and signals
¿Dónde está__________?
¿Puede usted dirigirme a ___________?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
Discuss their morning and evening habits and routines
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
reflexive verbs to discuss what they do to themselves
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that routines such as mealtimes and bedtimes often vary in different cultures
that some expressions are generally understood in the Spanish-speaking world, and others are largely regional
¿Qué tienes que hacer antes de salir por la mañana?
¿Qué haces antes de acostarte?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
discuss and describe their homes, and the furnishings inside
discuss the chores that they need to do
shop for home furnishings in the target language
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
tener + que to discuss what they have to do
tener to discuss what they have
haber to discuss what there is in the house, in a passive voice
direct object pronouns
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that different homes and living arrangements that are common in various parts of the world
that the “first floor” in many parts of the world is what Americans understand to be the second floor. The street level is called the “ground floor.”
¿Dónde vives?
¿Dónde está tu casa?
¿Cómo es tu casa?
¿Con quién vives?
¿Cuántos ______hay en tu casa?
¿Tienes _________?
¿Cuál es tu cuarto favorito? ¿Por qué?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
order food in a restaurant
discuss nutrition, and healthy food choices
follow a recipe in the target language
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
the conditional tense to make a polite request
hay que to discuss what must be done in the passive voice
formal and familiar commands to follow a recipe
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that many factors affect the gastronomy of a culture, including geography, climate, economy and local customs.
that gastronomy varies widely among Spanish-speaking cultures; that countries and even regions often have unique cuisine
that metric units of measure are used in some Spanish-speaking countries.
that mealtimes vary in different parts of the world
that the traditional siesta is still a traditional part of lunchtime in some countries
¿Qué le gustaría ordenar?
¿Qué debo comer para mantener un cuerpo sano y buena salud?
¿Qué necesito para hacer mi receta?
¿Qué tengo qué hacer para preparar la receta?
¿A qué hora es el desayuno / el almuerzo / la cena?
¿Qué te gusta comer?
¿Cuál es tu postre favorito?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
discuss parts of the body, face and organs
discuss ailments, symptoms and sicknesses
prescribe/recommend remedies
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
deber to discuss what should be done
formal and familiar commands to prescribe remedies
doler to discuss what hurts
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that healthcare systems, doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics and pharmacies vary in different countries
that a un médico is not necessarily a doctor and that un doctor is not necessarily a medical professional
¿Qué le duele?
¿Cuál es el problema?
¿Cuáles son sus síntomas?
¿Qué debo hacer / tomar?
¿Cuáles son las partes/los órganos del cuerpo humano?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
name different animals and label their body parts
discuss the biomes in which different animals live
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
tener to discuss parts of animals
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that the Spanish-speaking world contains many biomes, including arctic zones in South America
that the Spanish-speaking world is rich in biodiversity
that nations and regions often associate themselves with animals as a source of pride, such as the North American bald eagle or the Andean condor
¿Cuáles son las biomas del mundo?
¿Dónde vive(n)_________?
¿Cómo son?
¿Cuáles son las partes del _______?
¿Cómo es el clima en_______?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
discuss various professions
discuss the work environments of various professions
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
masculine, feminine forms of various professions
exceptions to the –o/-a rule like un artista
indefinite articles are eliminated when discussing one’s profession e.g. Soy profesora.
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that the common American practice of making conversation about one’s profession is not necessarily commonplace in some Spanish-speaking cultures, as one’s profession is often less intertwined with identity
that great minds and pioneers in many professions have come from Spanish-speaking countries
¿Cuál es su trabajo / empleo / profesión?
¿Dónde trabaja____?
¿Qué hacen______?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
discuss computer technology and equipment
use common commands associated with computer technology
use a payphone in the target cultures
send a letter/package in the post office
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
the conditional tense to make a polite request
formal and familiar commands
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
that different cultures may use unique lexicon for the same object e.g. ordenador vs. computadora, but that some are more widely understood than others.
¿Qué necesito hacer?
¿Qué le gustaría mandar?
¿Cómo quiere usted pagar?
¿Cómo puedo llamar a mi país?
Eighth Grade
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
Discuss what they used to like to do when they were children
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
The imperfect past tense
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
That many of the same childhood pastimes enjoyed in the United States are also enjoyed in other Spanish-speaking countries.
That some games are particular to specific cultures
¿Qué hacías cuando eras niño(a)?
¿Cómo eras cuándo eras más joven?
¿Cuál era sus pasatiempos favoritos, comidas favoritas, juguetes favoritos, etc.?
¿Adónde te gustaba irte?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
Read, understand, tell and write fairy tales
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
The imperfect past tense
The preterite past tense
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
That legends and fairy tales often serve a purpose, often moral or cautionary, that often reflect the cultural and temporal context of its origin.
That many stories from the target cultures will be familiar to students, and some may be unfamiliar.
¿Qué pasó en el cuento?
¿Cómo son los personajes?
¿Cuál es la moraleja del cuento? ¿Es importante esta moraleja, en tu opinión? ¿Por qué o por qué no?
¿Hay símbolos en el cuento? ¿Cuáles son y qué representan?
¿Si podrías cambiar el cuento, cómo lo cambiarías y por qué?
¿Qué harías si eras en la situación de uno de los personajes?
¿Hay un cuento moderno que es similar a este cuento? ¿Cuál? ¿Cómo es similar? ¿Cómo es diferente?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
Discuss what they would do, if given the opportunity
Discuss their future plans, or to make predictions about the future
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
The conditional tense
The future tense
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
That conservation is a global issue in which the Spanish-speaking world also plays a role
Concerns of young people in the Spanish-speaking world about the future
¿Qué harías si tenías la oportunidad?
¿Qué harás cuando eres adulto?
¿Cómo será el mundo en veinte años?
COMMUNICATIVE AIM: Students will be able to:
Read and understand a graphic novel version of Don Quijote de La Mancha
Analyze important themes in Book I and Book II of the story, as presented in the miniseries video
Consider why this novel has had such an impact on world culture, even to modern times.
Observe modern characters who might parallel the story of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza
GRAMMATICAL FOCUS: Students will be able to use:
All previously-learned tenses to discuss the novel
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand:
That Don Quijote de La Mancha was the first modern novel
That Miguel de Cervantes’ life influenced his themes
That the power of the Spanish Inquisition required Cervantes to criticize the Catholic Church, Spanish nobility and intellectuals of the time very discreetly, and symbolically
That Don Quijote is one of the most influential stories in world history, and that many modern novels, movies, theater and music reference or borrow from its themes.
¿Quién era Don Quijote?
¿Era loco o soñador?
¿Era valiente o tonto?
¿Puedes pensar en un Don Quijote moderno?
¿Es mejor vivir como Sancho o como Don Quijote? ¿Por qué?
Students work on final project and review for final exam.