Last updated: 3/16/2015

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Music Curriculum Map - Qtr. 3

6th Grade Band

Quarter 3



Rhythm: Quarter Notes/Rhythms

             Eighth Notes/Rhythms

             Syncopated Eighth Note Rhythms


Pitch: Concert Bb Diatonic Scale

         Concert Ab, E Natural

How does knowledge of so few notes allow us to play such a wide variety of music?

What is a musical scale?

What is a diiatonic scale?

What challenges exist on my particular instrument when playing the scale?

(1) ARTS.M.I.1.1 Students will compose original music and perform music written by others. They will understand and use the basic elements of music in their performances and compositions. Students will engage in individual and group musical and music-related tasks, and will describe the various roles and means of creating, performing, recording, and producing music.
(2) ARTS.M.I.1.1.B Students sing and/or play, alone and in combination with other voice or instrument parts, a varied repertoire of folk, art, and contemporary songs, from notation, with a good tone, pitch, duration, and loudness.
(2) ARTS.M.I.1.1.D Students in performing ensembles, read moderately easy/ moderately difficult music (NYSSMA level III-IV) and respond appropriately to the gestures of the conductor.
(1) ARTS.M.I.2.1 Students will use traditional instruments, electronic instruments, and a variety of nontraditional sound sources to create and perform music. They will use various resources to expand their knowledge of listening experiences, performance opportunities, and/or information about music. Students will identify opportunities to contribute to their communities’ music institutions, including those embedded in other institutions (church choirs, industrial music ensembles, etc.). Students will know the vocations and avocations available to them in music.
(1) ARTS.M.I.2.1.E Students demonstrate appropriate listening and other participatory responses to music of a variety of genres and cultures.

Notes and Fingerings of the Concert Bb Major Scale

Flute: Playing low and high

Clarinet: Going over the break

Saxophone: Using the Octave key to expand our range

Trumpet/Trombone: Playing in different partials by adjusting our lips and air.

Percussion: Scales on the Xylophone


Register Key

Octave Key

The Break



Key Signature Assessment

7th/8th Grade Band

Quarter 3

Playing in Polyphony


Rhythms: Quarter Notes/Rests

               Eighth Notes/Rests

               Syncopated Eighth Notes/Rests

Sixteenth Notes: all variations

Pitch: Concert Bb Diatonic Scale

         Concert F Diatonic Scale

         Concert Ab Diatonic Scale

         The Chromatic Scale

What skills do we need in order to play independent parts with different rhythms?

How do we count rhythms including sixteenth notes?

What is subdivision?

How can we use subdivision to keep our place in complex music?

(2) ARTS.M.I.1.1.B Students sing and/or play, alone and in combination with other voice or instrument parts, a varied repertoire of folk, art, and contemporary songs, from notation, with a good tone, pitch, duration, and loudness.
(2) ARTS.M.I.1.1.D Students in performing ensembles, read moderately easy/ moderately difficult music (NYSSMA level III-IV) and respond appropriately to the gestures of the conductor.
(2) ARTS.M.I.2.1.A Students use traditional or nontraditional sound sources, including electronic ones, in composing and performing simple pieces.
(1) ARTS.M.I.3.1.B Students use appropriate terms to reflect a working knowledge of the musical elements.

Performing combinations of notes and rests up to sixteenth notes and rests.

Subdividing the beat.

Rhythmic independence


Macro Beat

Micro Beat

Sixteenth Notes

Sixteenth Rests




Multi-Part Band Performance

7th/8th Grade Music Technology

Quarter 3

Recording and Producing Music

What is an analog recording?

How does an analog recording work?

What is a digital recording?

How does a digital recording work?

(2) ARTS.M.I.2.1.A Students use traditional or nontraditional sound sources, including electronic ones, in composing and performing simple pieces.
(1) ARTS.M.I.2.1.C Students use current technology to create, produce and record/playback music.

Recording with apps on Microsoft surface

Manipulating our recordings with Audacity

Creating Multi-track recordings with Audacity

Exporting muti-track audio files

Applying digital audio to other forms of media






Recording Project

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