Last updated: 6/15/2016

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Social Studies-8th Grade-May

Social Studies: Domestic Politics and Reform


8.9c Domestic Politics and Reform:: The Vietnam Era

  • Hoping to stop the spread of communism, the United States backed South Vietnam with military aid.
  • An expanding war in Vietnam drew a massive commitment of U.S. forces and sharply divided Americans.
  • After the United States negotiated a peace and withdrew its forces, all of Vietnam came under Communist rule.
  • President Nixon's accomplishments were overshadowed by the Watergate affair, which led to his resignation.


8.9c Domestic Politics and Reform:: The Vietnam Era

What were the causes and effects of the Vietnam Conflict?

  • How did Vietnam become a major battlefield in the war against communism?
  • How did the demands of greater involvement in the Vietnam Conflict divide the nation?
  • What were the causes and effects of the American withdrawal from Vietnam?
  • What successes and failures marked Nixon's presidency?
(1) SS.8.9 DOMESTIC POLITICS AND REFORM: The civil rights movement and the Great Society were attempts by people and the government to address major social, legal, economic, and environmental problems. Subsequent economic recession called for a new economic program.
(1) SS.I.1 Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.
(1) SS.I.2 Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
(1) SS.I.4 Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the United States and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and non-market mechanisms.
(1) SS.I.5 Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

College, Career, and Civil Life (C3) Skills

Dimension 1: Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries

  • D1.5.6-8. Determining the kinds of sources that will be helpful in answering compelling and supporting questions, taking into consideration multiple points of views represented in the sources.

Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts and Tools

  • Civics D2.Civ.3.6-8 Examine the origins, purposes, and impact of constitutions, laws, treaties, and international agreements.
  • Geography D2.Geo.10.6-8. Analyze the ways in which cultural and environmental characteristics vary among various regions of the world.
  • History D2.His.6.6-8. Analyze how people's perspectives influenced what information is available in the historical sources they created.
  • History D2.His.13.6-8. Evaluate the relevancy and utility of a historical source based on information such as maker, date, place of origin, intended audience, and purpose.

Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence

  • D3.1.6-8. Gather relevant information from multiple sources while using the origin, authority, structure, context, and corroborative value of sources to guide the selection.

Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusion & Taking Informed Action

  • D4.2.6-8. Construct explanations using reasoning, correct sequence, examples, and details with relevant information and data, while acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of the explanations.

NCSS Essential Skills for Life

  • Use picture, clues and picture captions to aid comprehension
  • Read for a variety of purposes: critically, analytically, to predict outcomes, to answer a question, to form an opinon, to skim for facts
  • Write reports and research papers
  • Prepare a bibliography
  • Use map-and-globe-reading skills
  • Place data in tabular form: charts, graphs, illustrations
  • Recognize instances in which more than onen interpretation of factual material is valid
  • Examine critically relationships between and among elements of a topic
  • Combine critical concepts inot a statement of conclusions based on information
  • Prepare a research paper that requires a creative solution to a problem
  • Contribute to the development of a supportive climate in groups
  • Participate in persuadiing, compromising, debating, and negotiating in the resolution of conflicts and differences
  • Identify situations in which social action is required

8.9c Domestic Politics and Reform:: The Vietnam Era

  • domino theory
  • guerrilla
  • escalate
  • napalm
  • hawks
  • doves
  • conscientious objector
  • boat people
  • inflation
  • Do Now Questions
  • Socrative Entrance/Exit Tickets
  • Polls
  • Interactive Readings
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Thinking Maps
  • Common Core Protocols
  • Comprehension Assessments
  • Writing Assessments
  • Map Quiz
  • Quizzes
  • J. Dodge Differentiated Activities
  • Marzano Strategies
  • Primary Source Documents
  • Document Based Questions
  • Political Cartoons
  • Constructed Response Questions
  • Chapter Test
  • Research Paper
  • 25 Quick Formative Assessments - Judy Dodge
  • America: History of our Nation - Prentice Hall
  • OneNote
  • Interactive Reading
  • Common Core State Standards for ELA- Text Exemplar-Olsen, Todd. "The Vietnam War"
  • Common Core State Standards for ELA- 8th Grade- Module 1- Lai, Thanhha. Inside Out and Back Again.
  • Microsoft MovieMaker
  • Toolkit Inquiry: Vietnam
  • Quizlet


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