Last updated: 5/11/2015

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4th Grade Technology

Microsoft Excel

4-6 Weeks based on Project(s)

  1. What is Microsoft Excel mainly used for?
  2. What is a spreadsheet?
  3. What is a graph?

File Tab:

  • Create a new blank book
  • Create a new template book
  • Open a saved book from: Network or OneDrive locations
  • Save a book to: Network or OneDrive locations

Home Tab:

  • Copy, Cut, Paste
  • Change the font
  • Change the font size
  • Change the font color
  • Change the font weight
  • Add italics
  • Add an Underline
  • Change the text alignment
  • Add bullets/lists
  • Numbers
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Format
  • Sort

Insert Tab:

  • Tables
  • Insert Picture Placeholder
  • Insert Picture from file
  • Insert Oneline Picture
  • Charts (Pie, Bar, Column, Line)
  • Hyperlink

Page Layout Tab:

  • Themes
  • Page Set-up (margin, orientation, size, print area, breaks, background, print titles)

Formulas Tab:

  •  Functions (add, subtract, multiply, divide, average, percentage)

View Tab:

  •  Normal, Page Break, Page Layout, Custom
  • Gridlines, Formula Bar, Headings



  1. Title Bar
  2. Save
  3. Save As
  4. Open
  5. New Document
  6. Print
  7. Ribbon
  8. Tab
  9. Insert
  10. Space
  11. Backspace
  12. Enter
  13. Font
  14. Font Size
  15. Font Color
  16. Font Weight
  17. Text Decoration
  18. Text Alignment
  19. Cut
  20. Copy
  21. Paste
  22. Picture
  23. Online Picture
  24. ClipArt
  25. Screenshot
  26. Row
  27. Column
  28. Cell
  29. Formula
  30. Sum
  31. Average
  32. Percentage
  33. Bar Graph
  34. Pie Graph
  35. Column Graph
  36. Line Graph
  37. Sheets
  38. Formatting
  39. Sorting


  1. Multiplication Table
  2. Survey Spreadsheet

Microsoft PowerPoint

4-6 Weeks based on Project(s)

  1. What is Microsoft PowerPoint mainly used for?
  2. What are the two main concepts that you need to keep in mind when developing a PowerPoint presentation?
  3. What type of situations would a PowerPoint be helpful to utilize?
  4. What type of situations would a PowerPoint be hurtful to utilize?

File Tab:

  • Create a new blank presentation
  • Create a new template presentation
  • Open a saved presentation from: Network or OneDrive locations
  • Save a presentation to: Network or OneDrive locations

Home Tab:

  • Copy, Cut, Paste
  • Change the font
  • Change the font size
  • Change the font color
  • Change the font weight
  • Add italics
  • Add an Underline
  • Change the text alignment
  • Add bullets/lists

Insert Tab:

  • Insert Picture from file
  • Insert Oneline Picture
  • Insert ClipArt
  • Insert/Edit Word Art
  • Insert Text Box (draw text box)

 Design Tab:

  • Slide Background
  • Slide Side (standard, widescreen, custom)
  • Change theme
  • Change color scheme

Transition Tab:

  • Tansitions types
  • Transition effect options
  • Sounds
  • Durations
  • Advance Slide (on-click, after)
  • Apply to all
  • Remove tansition (right-click on slide)
  • Preview

 Animations Tab:

  • Animations (Entrance, Exit, Emphaisis, Motion Paths)
  • Animation options
  • Animation Pane (on-click, with previous, with after, moving order)
  • Animation Trigger
  • Animation Painter
  • Start animation
  • Duration of animation
  • Delay animation
  • Reorder animation (move up, move down)
  • Preview

 Slideshow Tab:

  • From beginning slide
  • From current slide
  • Present online
  • Custom slideshow
  • Setup slideshow
  • Hide slide


  • ESC - Exit slideshow
  • F5 - Start slideshow


  1. Title Bar
  2. Save
  3. Save As
  4. Open
  5. New Document
  6. Print
  7. Ribbon
  8. Tab
  9. Insert
  10. Space
  11. Backspace
  12. Enter
  13. Font
  14. Font Size
  15. Font Color
  16. Font Weight
  17. Text Decoration
  18. Text Alignment
  19. Cut
  20. Copy
  21. Paste
  22. Table
  23. Picture
  24. Online Picture
  25. ClipArt
  26. WordArt
  27. Text Box
  28. Format
  29. Theme


  1. Explorers PowerPoint


Microsoft Publisher

1-4 weeks based on Project(s)

  1. What is Microsoft Publisher mainly used for?
  2. Identify the main components of Microsoft Publisher in relation to the other Office programs?
  3. What is a key difference between Word and Publisher?


  1. In what situation would you choose Microsoft Publisher over Microsoft Word?
  2. What are three benefits for utilizing Microsoft Publisher?
  3. What types of documents can you create in Microsoft Publisher?


File Tab:

  • Create a new blank document (portrait, landscape, different size)
  • Create a new template document
  • Open a saved document from: Network or OneDrive locations
  • Save a documnet to: Network or OneDrive locations
  • Print a document

Home Tab:

  • Copy, Cut, Paste
  • Change the font
  • Change the font size
  • Change the font color
  • Change the font weight
  • Add italics
  • Add an Underline
  • Change the text alignment
  • Add bullets/lists

Insert Tab:

  • Insert/Edit Table
  • Insert Picture Placeholder
  • Insert Picture from file
  • Insert Oneline Picture
  • Insert ClipArt
  • Insert/Edit boarders and accents
  • Insert/Edit Word Art
  • Insert Text Box (draw text box)

Design Tab:

  • Insert a page background
  • Change the theme
  • Change color scheme
  • Change guides

Navigation Pane:

  • Navigation
  • Insert new (1 or 2 page)
  • Insert Duplicate (1 or 2 page)
  • Delete page
  • Move page
  • Rename page
  • View as two page spread

Document Pane:

  • Rulers
  • Print Lines
  • Guide Lines
  • Zooming


  1. Title Bar
  2. Save
  3. Save As
  4. Open
  5. New Document
  6. Print
  7. Ribbon
  8. Tab
  9. Insert
  10. Space
  11. Backspace
  12. Enter
  13. Homerow
  14. Font
  15. Font Size
  16. Font Color
  17. Font Weight
  18. Text Decoration
  19. Text Alignment
  20. Cut
  21. Copy
  22. Paste
  23. Picture
  24. Online Picture
  25. ClipArt
  26. WordArt
  27. Text Box
  28. Format
  29. Theme
  30. Background Color
  31. Page Boarder
  32. Margin
  33. Page Size
  34. Orientation (Portrait/Landscape)


  • Government quiz
  • Flashcards

Microsoft Word

1-4 Weeks based on project(s)

  1. What is Microsoft Word mainly used for?
  2. Identify the key components of Microsoft Word in relation to the Office Suite.
  1. What do we mainly use Microsoft Word for?
  2. What and where is the title bar located?
  3. What and where is the ribbon located?
  4. What are tabs?
  5. How do you open/create a document? Give at least 2 ways.
  6. Where does text/images go when you open a Word document?
  7. What is page orientation mean?
  8. What is the default page orientation?
  9. What allows for some flexibility within Microsoft Word in where items can be placed on a page?


File Tab:

  • Create a new blank document
  • Create a new template document
  • Open a saved document from: Network or OneDrive locations
  • Save a documnet to: Network or OneDrive locations
  • Print a document

Home Tab:

  • Copy, Cut, Paste
  • Change the font
  • Change the font size
  • Change the font color
  • Change the font weight
  • Add italics
  • Add an Underline
  • Change the text alignment
  • Add bullets/lists

Insert Tab:

  • Insert Picture from file
  • Insert Oneline Picture
  • Insert Shapes
  • Insert/Edit Word Art
  • Insert Text Box (draw text box)

Design Tab:

  • Insert a page boarder
  • Insert a page background
  • Change the theme

Page Layout Tab:

  • Change the page orientation (Portrait or Landscape)
  • Change the margins
  • Change the page size

Document Pane:

  • Zooming




  1. Title Bar
  2. Save
  3. Save As
  4. Open
  5. New Document
  6. Print
  7. Ribbon
  8. Tab
  9. Insert
  10. Space
  11. Backspace
  12. Enter
  13. Homerow
  14. Font
  15. Font Size
  16. Font Color
  17. Font Weight
  18. Text Decoration
  19. Text Alignment
  20. Cut
  21. Copy
  22. Paste
  23. Picture
  24. Online Picture
  25. WordArt
  26. Shapes
  27. Text Box
  28. Format
  29. Theme
  30. Background Color
  31. Page Boarder
  32. Margin
  33. Page Size
  34. Orientation (Portrait/Landscape)




  1. Declaration of Independence
  2. The Bill of Rights



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