Subject/Grade Level/Unit Title | Timeframe/Grading Period | Big Idea/Themes/Understandings | Essential Questions | Standards | Essential Skills | Vocabulary | Assessment Tasks | Resources | |||||||||||||||||||||
Science Grade 7 e-Mission Volcanoes |
2-3 Weeks |
Structure of the Earth causes changes on the surface. Volcanoes have different characteristics that can affect life on the surface. Monitoring of seismic activity can aid in predicting volcanic eruptions. |
What is the structure of the Earth? How do we know? What are volcanoes, how are they formed, how do they work, and how do they affect life? How do we monitor volcanic activity? How can we predict volcanic eruptions? |
Diagraming the structure of the earth, including tectonic plate boundaries. Describing volcano types and characteristics. Calculating, graphing and analyzing seismic data to predict volcanic eruptions. Formulating recomendations to protect residents from volcanic dangers. |
inner core outer core mantle upper mantle crust tectonic plates convection cells hot spots divergent boundary subduction zone Ring of Fire magma magma chamber lava pahoe hoe a a explosive eruption effusive eruption lava flow pyroclastic flow landslide lahar vent crater caldera parasitic cone dike sill shield volcano stratovolcano (composite) cinder cone tephra land deformation ash cloud tremor volcanic tremor rockfall
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