Subject/Grade Level/Unit Title | Timeframe/Grading Period | Big Idea/Themes/Understandings | Essential Questions | Standards | Essential Skills | Vocabulary | Assessment Tasks | Resources | |||||||||||||||||||||
Science Grade 8ES Astronomy |
3-5 weeks |
Earth and celestial phenomena can be described using principles of relative motion and perspective. |
What is the Solar System and What is it Comprised Of? How Are Objects in the Solar System Classified? How Do Obects in the Solar System Move Through Space? |
Construct, measure and analyze elliptical orbits to compare orbital paths. Classify and compare stars based on characteristics. Analyze Earth, Moon, Sun relationships to describe the occurence of Moon phases and eclipses.
Altitude Asteroids Big Bang Comets Constellation Coriolis Effect Doppler Effect Eccentricity Eclipses Ellipse Foci (focus) Foucault Pendulum Galaxy Geocentric model Gravitation Heliocentric model High tides Impact crater Jovian Planets Low tides Main Sequence Meteors Milky Way Galaxy Orbit Period Phases (Moon) Red giant Red-shift Revolution Rotation Solar system Spectra Spiral galaxies Sun Sunspot cycle Sunspots Supergiant Terrestrial Planets White dwarf Annular eclipse Aphelion Apogee Apparent diameter Apparent solar day Arc Astronomical Unit (AU) Astronomy Azimuth Barycenter Black hole Blue shift Celestial sphere Chandra X-ray Observatory Circumpolar constellations Circumpolar stars Compton Ray Observatory Ecliptic Ecosphere Elliptical galaxies Full moon Gravitational force Horizon Hubble’s Law Hubble Space Telescope Irregular galaxies Light year Lunar eclipse Mean solar day Meteorites Meteoroids Neap tide Nebula Neutron star New moon Nuclear fusion Orbital velocity Parallelism Penumbra Perigee Perihelion Pulsar Retrograde motion Sidereal day Sidereal month Solar eclipse Solar noon Space Infrared Telescope Facility Spring tide Star trails Supernova Synodic monthe Umbra Waning Waxing Zenith
Classwork Unit Activities Unit Laboratory Experiments Unit Laboratory Skills Unit Assessments |
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