“Flower Power” Beautification Program
English Language Arts (2005)
Grade Levels
Intermediate, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
- Student reflections, landscaper's log, and visitors' log are evaluated.
- Checklist is used to evaluate student participation
- Rubrics are used to evaluate letters.
Melissa Dixon, Patricia Molloy, and Carol Varsalona.
approx. 8 weeks
Essential Questions
- How do I affect the systems within which I live and work?
- How are my school experiences connected to future successes?
- How is work important to me?
- How do I find out what I want to know?
- How do I develop the skills and abilities that I need to be successful in a career?
- Students will design a school wide beautification program.
- Students will apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment.
- Students will examine related career options in fields of horticulture and technology.
- Students will apply mathematical concepts related to the project (graphing data, analyzing data, creating and using a budget.)
- Students brainstorm answers to the question “How do human decisions and activities have an impact upon the physical and living environment?”
- Students survey the school ground property and identify areas in need of beautification.
- Students write a letter of request to the board of education, seeking permission to participate in a beautification project; they explain that they will provide all plans for approval before initiation of any work.
- Students write letters to a landscape architect, surveyor, and horticulturist, requesting their presence as guest speakers. They will be asked to present information on landscape design, plant selection, and design implementation.
- Students take notes on different approaches to design and implementation provided during the speakers' visitations.
- Students research various plants, their applicability to the area, and their costs.
- Students design and measure planting areas and identify the types and number of the plants on the basis of research.
- Students prepare a budget and inventory of needed supplies and materials.
- Students draw blueprints for the beautification areas.
- Students create a graphic presentation of the proposed beautification project, including all blueprints, budgets, and needed supplies. Students make presentation to school board (or school council), seeking final approval.
- Students execute the beautification design, cultivating the area and planting all seeds, bulbs, and plants.
- Students graph growth patterns and maintain a landscaper's log.
- Students maintain the garden.
- Students discuss the various aspects of the project.
Materials / Resources
- Internet access
- Computer and printer
- Speakers
- Landscaper's log
- Tools and plant materials
- Funding for project or donated supplies
Comments / Modifications
- Students can work with high school horticulture classes.
- Various types of gardens representing different cultures and eras can be created.
- Students can work with senior citizens on community gardens.
- Funding is secured from the school budget, or community businesses are approached for money or supplies.
- Students could cut and donate flower arrangements to various community sites.
Melissa Dixon, Patricia Molloy, and Carol Varsalona. “'Flower Power' Beautification Program.” In Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide with Core Curriculum. New York State Department of Education, 113.