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Crisis Management on the Job

Course, Subject

Home & Careers, Career Development and Occupational Studies

Grade Levels

Commencement, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade


CDOS Writing Team, Authors of Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide with Core Curriculum.


four 50-minute class periods


Students understand the importance of crisis management in the human and public services workplace.

In order to demonstrate the importance of crisis management in the workplace and specific steps to apply to crisis situations, students perform the following activities:

  • Identify members of a crisis management team.
  • Describe the generic roles of members of a crisis management team.
  • Detail the specific roles of members of a crisis management team in the
    context of a specific crisis.
  • Describe crisis situations that may occur in the workplace, such as:
  • Robbery of a restaurant
  • Client having a seizure attack at a salon
  • Weather emergency at a nursing home
  • Intruder in a child care center
  • Produce a crisis management manual for crisis situations in the

Materials/ Resources

Computer hardware and software


CDOS Writing Team. “Crisis Management on the Job.” In Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide with Core Curriculum. New York State Department of Education, 285.

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