Teacher Resource
Earth Science Digital Image Library - Cirrocumulus Clouds
Course, Subject
Earth Science, Math, Science & Technology
Grade Levels
Commencement, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
With support from NYLearns, The Earth Science Digital Library is an initiative authored by Rosario Agostaro, Superintendent of Schools, Rondout Valley Central School District, NY.

Cirrocumulus clouds form above 18,000 feet (6,000 m) and appear as small, rounded white puffs that are isolated or in long rows. When the white puffs are in rows, they give the cloud a rippling appearance. Cirrocumulus clouds rarely cover the entire sky. The small ripples in a cirrocumulus cloud resemble the scales of a fish, which earned the nickname "mackerel sky."


Gardiner, Ulster County, New York

The Earth Science Digital Image Library is an archive of quality digital images for teacher and/or student reference in their studies of Earth Science. For additional information about the image, please click on a link below: