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Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address


English Language Arts (NYS P-12 Common Core)

Grade Levels

Elementary, 4th Grade

Activating Strategy

Have you ever heard the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address? Where have you heard it? Why do you think they say the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address?

Author's Comments/Suggestion

You may use old magazines to cut out different pictures to go with each section of the Thanksgiving Address to make the book instead of having students draw pictures.


Author: Monica Antone-Watson
Consultant: Lori V. Quigley, Ph.D.
Supported By: National Federation of Just Communities of Western New York

Key Vocabulary

Tradition, address, Thanksgiving,

  • Thanksgiving Address Vocab.doc
  • Essential Question

    What is the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address?
    Why is the Address important to know?

    Teaching Strategy

    We will read aloud the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.
    We will discuss each section and why it is important.
    Students will draw a picture for each section.
    Students will put together a book with the pictures drawn and text read.


    In this activity, students will listen to the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, illustrate pictures to go with sections of the Address, and create a book.

    Guided Questions

    Do you know what the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address is?
    Have you ever heard the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address?
    Where have you heard the Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address?

    Summarizing Strategy

    Each student will have a Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address book to take home.

    Instructional Materials

    Each student will have a Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address book to take home. Teacher should copy the document attached below; one per student.

  • Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.doc
  • Resources

    Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message by Jake Swamp
    Web Site:Traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

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