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          • Content Specification - SS.5.1.a.1:
            Students will examine the various theories of the migration routes by which the first humans may have arrived, including the Beringia land bridge, using maps and archaeological evidence.
        • Conceptual Understanding - SS.5.1.b:
          Human populations that settled along rivers, in rainforests, along oceans, in deserts, on plains, in mountains, and in cold climates adapted to and made use of the resources and environment around them in developing distinct ways of life.
          • Content Specification - SS.5.1.c.1:
            Students will examine maps that show the variety of different Native American groups located in the Western Hemisphere, noting there are many different culture groups in many different types of physical, climate, and vegetative regions.
          • Content Specification - SS.5.1.c.2:
            Students will select one Native American culture group from the United States, one from Canada, and one from the Caribbean region and compare and contrast them by examining how each of these groups adapted to and used the environment and its resources to meet their basic needs, and by examining elements of their culture, including customs, beliefs, values, languages, and patterns of organization and governance.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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