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              • Students will - CDOS.I.3a.BS.1.A.SW:
                1. Demonstrate competency in reading through strategies to:
                  1. Interpret written information from a variety of sources
                  2. Read manuals and apply content
                  3. Recognize significance of information
                  4. Make generalizations and draw conclusion
                  5. Determine purpose for reading
                  6. Apply information from one content to other contexts
                  7. Use a limited range of criteria to evaluate
                  8. Assess the accuracy, validity, and significance of written information
                  9. Develop ability to decipher unknown vocabulary
                2. Demonstrate competency in writing through strategies to:
                  1. Make use of proper conventions, diverse grammatical structures, vocabulary, and style for purpose and audience
                  2. Write cohesive paragraphs, suing proper structure for purpose and audience
                  3. Use standard English skillfully
                  4. Use logical sequence in writing
                  5. Self-assess writing
                  6. Use resources effectively to communicate meaning
                  7. Develop note-taking ability
                3. Demonstrate competency in listening and speaking through strategies to:
                  1. Obtain and recall essential information from oral/visual communications
                  2. Determine significance of new information
                  3. Make generalizations and draw conclusions
                  4. Express ideas for group consideration
                  5. Incorporate ideas from other members
                  6. Present information clearly and logically to a variety of audiences
                  7. Voice evaluations of oral presentations or written text by referring to specific criteria
                4. Demonstrate competency in mathematical operations through strategies to:
                  1. Apply logic to mathematical solutions and outcomes
                  2. Combine the four mathematical operations to solve narrative problems
                  3. Use relationships to reach outcomes
                  4. Use simple probability
                  5. Compare experimental and theoretical probability
                  6. Do statistical analysis of trends and relationships
                  7. Analyze and examine the relationships among statistical data
                  8. Choose and use proper measuring devices
                  9. Apply proper conversions for units of measurement
                  10. Use a calculator effectively and efficiently
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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