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Students will - CDOS.I.3a.BS.1.A.SW: - Demonstrate competency in reading through strategies to:
- Interpret written information from a variety of sources
- Read manuals and apply content
- Recognize significance of information
- Make generalizations and draw conclusion
- Determine purpose for reading
- Apply information from one content to other contexts
- Use a limited range of criteria to evaluate
- Assess the accuracy, validity, and significance of written information
- Develop ability to decipher unknown vocabulary
- Demonstrate competency in writing through strategies to:
- Make use of proper conventions, diverse grammatical structures, vocabulary, and style for purpose and audience
- Write cohesive paragraphs, suing proper structure for purpose and audience
- Use standard English skillfully
- Use logical sequence in writing
- Self-assess writing
- Use resources effectively to communicate meaning
- Develop note-taking ability
- Demonstrate competency in listening and speaking through strategies to:
- Obtain and recall essential information from oral/visual communications
- Determine significance of new information
- Make generalizations and draw conclusions
- Express ideas for group consideration
- Incorporate ideas from other members
- Present information clearly and logically to a variety of audiences
- Voice evaluations of oral presentations or written text by referring to specific criteria
- Demonstrate competency in mathematical operations through strategies to:
- Apply logic to mathematical solutions and outcomes
- Combine the four mathematical operations to solve narrative problems
- Use relationships to reach outcomes
- Use simple probability
- Compare experimental and theoretical probability
- Do statistical analysis of trends and relationships
- Analyze and examine the relationships among statistical data
- Choose and use proper measuring devices
- Apply proper conversions for units of measurement
- Use a calculator effectively and efficiently
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
(see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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