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  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.A:
            Students read silently and aloud from a variety of genres, authors, and themes.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.B:
            Students interpret characters, plot, setting, theme, and dialogue, using evidence from the text.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.C:
            Students identify the author's point of view, such as first-person narrator and omniscient narrator.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.D:
            Students determine how the use and meaning of literary devices, such as symbolism, metaphor and simile, illustration, personification, flashback, and foreshadowing, convey the author's message or intent.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.E:
            Students recognize how the author's use of language creates images or feelings.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.F:
            Students identify poetic elements, such as repetition, rhythm, and rhyming patterns, in order to interpret poetry.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.G:
            Students compare motives of characters, causes of events, and importance of setting in literature to people, events, and places in own lives.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.H:
            Students identify social and cultural contexts and other characteristics of the time period in order to enhance understanding and appreciation of text.
          • Performance Indicator - ELA.8.R.2.I:
            Students compare a film, video, or stage version of a literary work with the written version.
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