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          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.5.1.1:
            Develop questions to help identify evidence about topics related to the historical events occurring in the Western Hemisphere that can be answered by gathering, using, and interpreting evidence.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.5.1.2:
            Recognize and effectively select different forms of evidence used to make meaning in social studies (including primary and secondary sources such as art and photographs, artifacts, oral histories, maps, and graphs).
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.5.1.3:
            Identify evidence and explain content, authorship, purpose, and format; identify bias; explain the role of bias and potential audience with teacher support.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.5.1.4:
            Identify arguments of others.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.5.1.5:
            Identify implicit ideas to draw inference with support.
          • Social Studies Practice Detail - SS.SSP.5.1.6:
            Recognize arguments on specific social studies topics and identify evidence supporting the argument.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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