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Students will - CDOS.C.3a.TS.2.A.SW: - Apply decision-making and problem-solving processes that affect groups or work procedures:
- Identify and isolate components of the problem
- Identify multiple alternatives for making a decisions
- Define consequences in terms of time, costs, outcomes
- Determine rationale for decision made
- Evaluate the decisions made and consider future applications
- Assimilate a variety of information and draw conclusions.
- Extract rules or principles from a set of objects or written text.
- Interpret and apply technical material.
- Determine conclusions when given a set of facts.
- Apply rules and/or principles to a new situation.
- Apply past knowledge about rules and/or principles to solve everyday problems.
- Prepare flowcharts, drawings that include dimensions and specifications, recipes, etc. from narrative descriptions.
- Create original applications or solutions.
- Initiate thought-provoking ideas to others.
Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
(see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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